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I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked into Café Krown, but it sure wasn't a picture of myself under the register with a cheery headline, "DO NOT SERVE". A yellow sad face magnet held the poster in place.

First of all, I'd never set foot into Ripera, let alone done anything to warrant a punishment as egregious as withholding caffeine.

Secondly, just what did a person have to do in this dusty little town to have a mugshot hanging in the local café?

Ha. Mugshot. Get it? Cause I was in a café?
Gosh, I was funny when I was too tired to even blink.

Anyway, thirdly, it was an incredibly unflattering picture I looked like I had a long term kick boxing competition with a tanning bed and cheap eyeliner..

Right about then, reality penetrated my exhausted, dazed, bobby-pinned-to-within-the-inch-of-its-life's-head

Once again, Chae had managed to make my life a little bit worse. And considering what had gone down in the last 24 hours, that was saying something.

"Can I help?..." the man on the other side of the counter, the one who could give me my precious latte, took a step back and held his hands up in defence, "I don't want any trouble!"

He was a sweet looking guy, with smooth light skin, his lovely jet black hair slicked back with a few strands hanging out from the front. I spotted a couple of tattoos peeking out from the neck and sleeves of his coveralls. I glanced at his name tag, Joshua.

I tried my most winning smile, but thanks to an overnight trip spent crying through my fake eyelashes, it felt more like a grimace.

"That's not me." I pointed at the poster with a wasted French tip manicure, "I'm Hani. Hani Lee"

The man peered at me in suspicion, before producing a pair of spectacles from the front pocket of his coveralls and slipping them on. He blinked then gave me a head-to-toe scan before realisation hit.

"Twins." I explained

"Well shit!" He murmed, scratching his neck.

Joshua still looked a little skeptical but who could blame him? After all, not everyone has an evil twin sister, do they now?

"That's Chae. My twin sister, I'm supposed to meet her here. Though, why my estranged sister asked me to meet her in an establishment where she clearly wasn't welcome was another question I was too tired to ask.

Joshua was still staring at me, and I realised his gaze was lingering on my hair. Reflexively, I patted the top of my hair and a wilted rose petal fluttered to the floor.


I probably should've looked in the mirror of my motel before I set foot in public looking like a dishevelled, unhinged stranger on her way back from a role playing festival.

"Here." I dug into the pockets of my dirty cargos and shoving my driver's license at the man. "See? I'm Hani Lee and I would really like a gigantic latté"
Finally, his stoic expression cracked and instead was replaced by a wide grin. "Well, I be damned! Nice to meet you Hani!"

"It's really nice to meet you too, Joshua! Especially if you're going to make me the aforementioned caffeine.."

"I'll make you a latté that makes your hair stand on end!"

A man who knows how to meet my immediate needs and did it with a smile? I couldn't help but fall a little in love with him just right there and then.

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