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My problem - besides the length of Hani's skirt - was leaning against the bar in full uniform, making small talk with my staff.

I dragged Hani with me into the alcove of the kitchen doors. "My brother better not get near that room. Understand?"

Her eyes widened. "Why are you telling me?!"

"Because you're going to distract him and get him the hell out of here."

She dug her heels in and crossed her arms. "I don't recall the section on my job application that required me to lie to law enforcement."

"I'm not telling you to lie. I'm telling you to get those good girl eyes and that cleavage over there and flirt with him until he forgets all about busting that game."

"That doesn't sound any better than lying. It sounds like prostitution, and I'm pretty sure any family court judge would frown upon that during a custody hearing!"

I blew out a breath and then dug out my wallet. "Fine. I'll give you £100."


I was still blinking when she snapped the bill out of my hand and headed in my brother's direction. It was an asshole move on my part, using her need for cash and putting her in a sketchy position. But I knew my brother, and Jeonghan wouldn't do anything to hurt Hani's chances at becoming Mimi's guardian. God, any idiot with one good eye could tell the woman was several classes above her sister.

"Shit." I muttered to no one.


I found Seungkwan leaning against the wall, smugly enjoying one of his lollipops.


His eyebrows wiggled. "You never freaked out when Yujin or Kazuha served that party?"

"Those two know how to handle themselves." I argued.

"Looks like Hani was handling herself just fine in there. Maybe the problem isn't her?"

"You wanna be my new problem, Boo?" I snarled.

He was not remotely intimidated. Which was exactly why a boss shouldn't be friends with their employees.

"Well. I think Choi Seungcheol is Choi Seungcheol's biggest problem. But, hey, what do I know?" He said with an annoying little shrug.

"Don't you have work to do?"

"And miss the show?" Kwan nodded over my shoulder.

I turned and spied Hani putting a flirtatious hand on Jeonghan's arm. When she laughed and tossed her hair, my brilliant plan didn't seem so brilliant.


I left Kwan and maneuvered my way through the crowd, getting close enough to hear Jeonghan say, "Let me guess. Illegal poker game in the back room, and you were sent to distract me."

Fucking hell.

Hani's eyes went wide, and I realised the woman had no poker face whatsoever.

"Uhh..are you always this handsome and smart?" She asked.

"I am." Jeonghan said with a stupid wink that made me want to punch him in his stupid face. "But it also helps that this town doesn't know how to keep its mouth shut. I'm not here for the game."

"Well, you're not here for my waitstaff. So what the hell are you doing here?" I said, interjecting myself into their cosy little conversation like a jealous idiot.

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