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Derek had been wanting to see Meredith for a while now, but every time he tried to find her she was nowhere to be seen.

Everyone he has asked told him 'She was just here' or 'Yeah you just missed her' every time he had just missed her.

Her name was constantly on the O.R. board which meant she was busy. Once she finished with one surgery she was on to the next.

She was a surgeon so she was always busy but she seemed more busy than she usually was and he didn't want her to take on too much.

But it was about the time that she would usually have lunch. He knew her well enough to know that she would brush him off if he paged her so he paged her 911 in hopes that would catch her attention.

He sat on one of the beds waiting for her to show up, if she would show up. Moments later after waiting for almost twenty minutes, he heard quick footsteps at the door.

The door opened and she walked in, closing the door behind her as she leaned against it.

"What's wrong? You paged 911," she said as he stood to his feet, standing in front of her and pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"I wanted to see you, I haven't seen you since this morning. You're like the flash, I always just miss you," he said.

"Derek, I have surgeries today, lots and lots of surgeries," she looked up at him seriously but he could only smile down at her, happy to finally be able to see her face after a long day.

"I know you have surgery, we all have surgery but you need to take a break every now and then. I don't want you overworking yourself," he said as he gently rubbed her arm comfortingly.

"I'm fine, but I have a patient I need to check on-"

"Meredith, take a small break. Come have lunch with me for fifteen minutes and then you can get back to your sprint," he spoke.

She checked her watch before sighing. "Fine, fifteen minutes," she said before they left the on-call room.

"How come your schedule is so crammed today?" He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked to the cafeteria.

"I don't know, it's just been a long day and a lot of people need surgeries today and I'm their surgeon," she said.

"You really should make time for breaks instead of just sprinting from surgery to surgery," he said.

"I did take a break to visit our daughter in daycare," she smiled.

"So you made time for her but not for me?" He said. "You understand my career better than she does, she needs to be reminded that I love her, I don't need to remind you as often as I do her. I can't become my mother," she said.

"You're nothing like your mother, Mer. You know that," he said.

"Yes, I know but sometimes I feel like I have to sit and compose myself and wonder if I really am a good mother or if I'm just too busy to notice I'm neglecting her," she said.

"You're not neglecting her," he said. "I know I'm not, I just need to think about it all sometimes to make sure," she said.

They made their way to the cafeteria. They sat down and ate their food in comfortable silence.

Only ten minutes had passed before Meredith's pager went off. She pulled it from her waistband and read 911.

"I have to go, 911," she said as she stood up. "Meredith-" he said.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go," she said. She briefly kissed his lips before she disappeared out the door.

He knew she was busy today but she had been doing this for the past three days.

She had changed little by little as the days went on. He tried not to think much of it but he couldn't help but notice the change in her behaviour.

She was still Meredith but something had changed that he just couldn't put his finger on.

He finished his lunch alone before he went up to daycare to check on their daughter.

He went into the daycare centre and looked around the room before his eyes landed on the little blonde girl that belonged to him.

He walked up behind her before lifting her up. She squealed as he tossed her in the air to face him.

He lowered her and kissed her cheek multiple times causing her to burst into giggles.

He sat down on one of the bean bags with her in his lap.

"Where's Mama?" She looked up at him with curious blue-green eyes.

"She had a patient she had to go check on, but she'll come visit you again once she's not so busy," he smiled.

He hated telling her that her parents were too busy for her. She understood as well as a three-year-old could but it still hurt to say out loud.

"Mama a lot busy," she said. "Yes, but she's helping a lot of sick people, even little girls like you," he poked her stomach.

"It's okay, she a good doctor," she smiled. "Yes, she is," he smiled kissing the side of her head. He spent the next hour and a half in daycare playing with Charlotte.


A new story! I've been wanting to write this story for a while now. The idea was brought to me by: GreysMeredithSwift

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