Seven Heart Event

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It was about a couple weeks after the Moonlight Jellies and a month into going to therapy for his depression and alcoholism. Shane and the town carpenter Robin were helping Cosmo fix up the farm to prepare for winter. He had made the suggestion that Cosmo buy some chickens so she could still have some income over the winter as no crops will grow during that time. The farm's greenhouse was collapsed in on itself, so that wasn't going to work. Robin had just finished constructing a chicken coop, all they needed was a heater and of course, the chickens. Today though...Shane wanted to do something fun with Cosmo.

"Hey, Cosmo." Shane prompted as the two of them sat on Cosmo's porch talking. "I have an idea."

"Ooo, what is it?" Cosmo got a big smile, curious to hear what he had to say. "Pizza?"

"No, not pizza." He chuckled. Ever since he introduced her to it, she'd been in love with pizza. "I was thinking I could take you into the city and we can go shoe shopping for you..." he suggested. "I want to pick a pair up for Jas that she's been wanting as well."

"That is a good idea!" Cosmo agreed happily. "But does not Joja mart also have shoes?" Cosmo tilted her head.

"Yeah, but not the kind Jas has been I was thinking we could make a trip out of it." Shane smiled at her.

"Yes! Let us make a trip out of it!" Cosmo clapped a little, excitedly. "I have never been to the city before."

"I know. You haven't left this valley since you fell down here, I don't think. It's a shame, the city is real pretty." He told her.

"Did you not used to live in the city?" Cosmo asked as she stood up and dusted herself off in preparation for their little trip to the city.

"Yeah...I did." He said sounding a little sad about it. "That was a different lifetime it feels like. I moved here to the Valley when I got Jas...I wasn't in any shape to take care of her so Marnie really helped out. She's practically Jas's mom."

"I am glad you have her to help you." Cosmo said genuinely.

"Yeah, I'm glad I have her too...I haven't been appreciating her like I should what with all the drinking. I'm trying to be more present for both her and Jas's sake." Shane expressed.

"That is good." Cosmo nodded. "I am glad. It seems like this therapy has been helping a lot."

"It has...I can't believe I didn't try it sooner. Things are still difficult...I'm still anxious and depressed a lot, but this has given me the tools to handle it better." He explained with a smile. Cosmo smiled back at him. "C'mon let's go. The bus is still broken down... so I'll call us a cab." Shane stated, pulling out his phone and making the call.

The two of them made it to the bus stop quickly. It was right beside the farm after all. The cab would soon arrive and the two of them got inside. Cosmo was so tall and the cab was kinda small so the top of her head pressed up against the roof a little bit. Shane chuckled a bit at the sight. 

The cab driver would turn to look at the two of them.

"Where to?" He asked firmly.

"The Zuzu city mall please." Shane responded to him. The cab driver nodded and turned to face the road. He shifted gears and then they were off. Cosmo grabbed Shane's hand nervously.

Shane blushed a little, looking down at their hands clasped together.

"Is this your first time in a vehicle all together?" He asked curiously. Cosmo had to think about it for a second.

"I am sure it is not...but I cannot remember." She said anxiously.

"It'll be okay. We're safe, I promise." He gave her hand a little squeeze. He was surprised that with all the farm work she does that her hands remain so soft. He found himself not wanting to let go. They'd end up holding hands the entire way.

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