Chapter 9: Pregnancy Test

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Kaveh's Pov:
Sunday, 21st, October
6:54 P.M
Apartment Building

It's been a while since I and Alhaitham had you know and we've been ignoring each other. It's Sunday so I was planning on going to my local store for a pregnancy test. I was just chilling with Tighnari in his room. We were playing a new game that came out not too long ago.

"Hey, I'm going to the store real quick," I said rising from the hard floor, which hurt like a bitch.

"Can you bring a tub of chocolate ice cream? I've been craving it for a while." He said barely looking at me.

"Well pay up."

He pointed to his drawer which I guessed had his money. I opened it and saw a bunch of junk, I had to rummage through but found a condom opened and some unused. I was a little disgusted but found a 50 in there.

I got it then got it getting out of the house swiftly.

A few minutes later

I got back home and went to the kitchen already seeing Tighnari there I gave him his ice cream. He said a quick thanks before going to the drawer to get a spoon, washing it then going to his room and shutting it off from everything. I carry my way to the cabinet to set my snacks in for later if I do have one, after this test.

I reached in for the last thing I need a pregnancy test. I breathed in a heavy sigh already feeling nervous at the thought of being pregnant.

"Shit.." I mumbled to myself.

I turned around and jumped, almost scarring me half to death I saw Alhaitham staring at his phone, not being either bothered or knowing of my existence.

I snickered just leaving him not caring if he saw the pregnancy test or not. He'll have to take responsibility either way. It's not getting difficult to get approval for an abortion in this day and age and I get why, sex equals to a baby if you're an omega or a woman and that's fair people should be responsible and not have sex just for fun their's a life in the mix but I just don't know.

I rush through my train of thought and get to the bathroom. I've been saving myself from peeing so I could do this test. I peed on the stick and placed it on the counter. I washed my hands and dug for my phone setting the timer in place. I sat on the toilet feeling all my nerves, cells, and blood rushing at speeds I didn't know they could do. I was watching the timer with teared-filled eyes praying for a miracle to happen.

The timer was at 3 minutes left and I heard a knock on the door startlingly me.

"Hey! Why is the door locked? I particularly going to piss myself if whoever doesn't open the door!" Tighnari shouted from behind the door with urgency.

I quickly got up and opened the door for my best friend fully forgetting about my pregnancy test on the counter. Shit, I forgot about the test I thought feeling guilty that he'll be the one to see me in this state.

I opened the door to a pissed of Tighnari but h changed his expression when he saw me or the house disheveled I looked.

"Oh Haveh, I didn't know you were in here...and why do you look so nervous?" He asked with concern covering his face and his eyebrows frowned in worry for me. I didn't like to see his mood change cause of me he's always happy, fuck.

"Oh, n-nothing is happening." I gave a fake resuring smile which didn't seem to get through to him. "I'm fine really. Just nervous about that test tomorrow." My voice broke as I spoke and I could feel my tears building up and my breathing getting heavier by the second.

"Mmm, if you say so anyway I need to use the bathroom." He pushed past me hurriedly going to the toilet not caring if I was there. He paused as he got to the toilet and looked at the countertop. I can feel his shock by how he stiffened up.

"Umm, this yours?" He turned to me with his eyes wide in surprise. I could barely speak, my voice was gone and my tears started to descend and flow down my face with each breath that I took.

I nod not having the words to speak for the disbelief and confusion I see on Tighnari's face, I didn't want to see it one bit.

Before I could react he came and gave me a hug which let loose all the tears and sadness I'd been holding in for so long. My eyes, heart, and head hurt from the nerve-wracking event and I don't even know if I'm pregnant yet. I just wish everything would go away so I don't have to worry or cry myself to sleep anymore about a man who can't even check up on me.

(856 words)

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