In Augenbrauen, Wimpern, am Haaransatz oder auch in anderen Härchen auf der Haut befinden sich Milben, die Nachts die abgestorbenen Zellen der Haut fressen und neue Eier legen.
("They are called demodex folliculorum, or demodicid and they feed off of dead skin cells and sebaceous excretions. Not only do they live in your eyelashes, but also in the pores and hair follicles on your face! Even more disgusting, these little bugs come to the surface of the skin to mate and then lay eggs in your hair follicles.- So you probably have baby bugs and bug eggs all over your face too. They have little claws and needle like mouths to which they use to feed and hooks on the surface of their bodies to anchor themselves in your skin. The good news is that they don't poop, so at least you don't have THAT on your face!")
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