''it's broken''

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Every step Loki takes is against his will.

He wants to stop. He wants to turn back. He wants to run as far away as he can – back to SHIELD, back to Asgard, he'd even go to Jotunheim if he thought he could – but he can't.

His Master told him to listen.

Pierce told him to walk.

So he walks.

He was silent as they left SHIELD HQ. He didn't speak a word during the hours-long drive. And now, as they're walking these unfamiliar halls, he keeps his mouth shut and his eyes straight ahead. If he doesn't make himself a problem, maybe they won't cause any problems of their own.

"Are you sure we can use this place?" one of the guards – is that what they are? Guards? – asks quietly.

"Stark never used this place when he was alive," Pierce says monotonously. "He sure as hell isn't gonna use it now that he's dead."

"The company might, though," the guard says. "If they start clearing out his stuff–"

"Nobody's touched this warehouse in over a decade," Pierce tells him. "We're fine. I've looked into it."


The name sounds familiar.

It was one of the soldiers that died, if he remembers correctly, murdered by the same man that killed Thor. Loki took care of Hank Pym; made a point to make him suffer before he let death claim him.

He avenged Stark's death when he avenged Thor's. If he'd had any sense, he would have stopped there. If he'd had any sense, he wouldn't be here.

Silence falls upon them again, and this time, it stretches on until Pierce opens one final door and gestures for Loki to step inside. Loki swallows hard and does as he's told.

His eyes scan the room. It's big; much bigger than he'd expected; much bigger than the room Fury had thrown him in. There are dozens of bright lights; there's a window that stretches from wall to wall, revealing what seems to be miles and miles of trees; it's truly a sight to behold. This is a good start. It's certainly better than the room that Fury threw him in.

"Enjoying the view?" Pierce asks, a smug undertone in his voice.

Loki takes a deep breath, doing his best to regain his composure before he turns around to face him. "What are you going to do to me?"

Pierce waves that question off. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," he says. "How do you like your room? It's nice, isn't it?"

"It is," Loki says cautiously. It's a very nice room. It's a room fit for a palace, even – and he'd know, having grown up in one. He's oddly comfortable here, and he doesn't like it.

"Don't worry," Pierce says, "your sleeping arrangements are on the way. They should be here any minute."

That's the least of Loki's worries. He'd be happy enough to sleep on the floor, even. But he can't deny that the idea of a nice, comfortable bed sounds wonderful to him.

"So?" Pierce asks. "How do you feel? What are you thinking?"

Loki wants to lie. More than that, he doesn't want to answer at all. But Natasha told him to listen, and Pierce asked him a question. So he tells him the truth.

"I'm awaiting the moment the facade falls and I see what you truly have prepared for me."

Pierce chuckles and claps him on the shoulder. "Smart guy," he says. That doesn't bode well. "I'll give you today off. I'll get you something to eat and I'll let you rest. Tomorrow's when the fun starts."

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