glass shard

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Loki falls asleep on Thor's shoulder, and when he wakes, his brother has miraculously produced a bottle of beer. The channel on the TV has been changed, and it's in the midst of what seems to be a hospital drama, and a glance up at Thor shows that his eyes are glued to the screen.

Loki lifts his head and tilts it the other way, trying to soothe his sore neck. That was not the most comfortable of sleeping positions – though he doesn't regret it for a moment. His brother is here, alive, and Loki is not going to risk him disappearing again.

"You're awake," Thor remarks.

Loki nods, and the movement makes his head hurt, so he rests it against the headboard once more while he waits for the pain to subside and the world to stop spinning. This is why he prefers the hand squeeze or the bed pat. Just because he can move his head now doesn't mean he wants to.

"Rogers said I should offer you a drink when you woke up," Thor tells him.

Loki lifts his head just long enough to give him a very small nod before resting it against the headboard again. He'd like something to drink. He'd prefer beer, but he'll accept his chocolate shake, too, if only because it has protein and nutrients and whatever else he doesn't have enough of that's severely impacting his ability to function – or, at least, that's what Bruce told him.

"What do you want to drink?" Thor asks.

Loki furrows his brows. Did they not tell him that his diet consists quite literally of only chocolate shakes? That feels like important information.

He switches the input on the TV – one day, he'll find out what that means; he's sure of it – and brings his keyboard back up. He has to squint a little bit to focus, though whether it's because he just woke up or because he's been moving his head too much, he's not sure.








Steve can tell him how this works. He's been here every step of the way. All of his new friends have (except Scott, who apparently has a family elsewhere that, unlike Tony, he can't temporarily relocate – but he comes to visit every few days, which is nice of him). Any of them could explain his chocolate shake diet better than Loki could. He doesn't really want Thor to leave, even just for a few minutes while he tracks the man down, but it's probably for the best.

"Ask Rogers?" Thor reads aloud.

Loki deletes the message and just types, "Y." It's more work than nodding, but it's easier on his head.

Thor pulls out his phone, and Loki rests his head on his shoulder to get a better look. Thor goes to his contacts – of which he does not have many – to find Steve Rogers's name, then opens up a text conversation with him. Maybe Thor won't have to leave him after all.

While Thor types out a message, Loki finds himself reading the last ones on the screen.

Thor: How are you? It's been a while :)

Steve: I've been okay, all things considered. How have you been?

Thor: Great! :D

Thor: You should come visit New Asgard! It's a beautiful place! :)

Steve: I'll definitely come by when I have the time.

Thor: Great! Let me know when you do :)

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