Be good for your aunt

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Created: 09.02.2023

Finished: 09.02.2023

Edited: 13.09.2023

Age: 6

Word count: 1,664

Warnings: None

Request: Yes (Tumblr user)

Summary: Wanda babysits you while your mother is out for grocery shopping.

"Alright, girls. I'll be back in a few hours." Natasha stated as she put on her jacket "Y/N, be good for your aunt, please. Okay?"

"Yes, mama. I'll be good." You nodded, happy that your favorite aunt was going to babysit you while your mother was out grocery shopping

"I'll get you something too if you don't cause any trouble." Natasha promised in an attempt to bargain with you

You smiled brightly at your mother and hugged her legs.

Natasha kissed the top of your head and patted your back.

"Just call me if she becomes too much trouble or if she does anything bad." Natasha looked at Wanda who was sitting behind you

"Don't worry, Nat." Wanda smiled "She'll be in good hands."

"I don't doubt that." The spy smirked

With one last kiss planted on top of your head, Natasha left to handle the task she was assigned.

"So what fun things shall we do?" Wanda asked as she picked you up and kissed your cheek "We can do anything."

"Cookies!" You shouted, throwing your hands up in the air

Wanda laughed "Cookies it is!"

Adjusting you on her hip, she started to make her way toward the kitchen to get everything she needs ready for the cookies.

Y/N watched fascinated by how her aunt was mixing different ingredients together in a big bowl.

"Y/N, sweetie?" Wanda asked her little cooking helper "Can you pass me the flour please?"

You nodded and pushed the bag of flour closer to Wanda's hand so she could pick it up and use it.

You couldn't wait anymore.

You were so eager to taste those cookies and Wanda seemed to take an eternity in preparing them.

"Is it done?" You asked her for the tenth time in the last 2 minutes

Wanda quickly chuckled at your excitement "Almost, honey."

Wanda's answer wasn't very satisfying for you, as you rolled your eyes at your aunt.

"Auntie Wanda..." You whined "This is taking forever!" You dragged out, exaggerating your last words for a more dramatic effect

"Here! Try this!" Wanda held a spoon up to your mouth with some of the mix for the cookies on it as she tried to hide her laugh caused by your childish actions

You carefully tasted the mix, taking some time to analyze if it tasted good or not.

"So?" Wnda raised her eyebrow at you

"Hmm..." You hummed "Perfect!"

Wanda cheered loudly "Yey!" And held her hand up for a high five which you happily did

"Now let's clean this up." Wanda told you once she was done with putting the cookies in the oven

Starting to help your aunt, your little eyes saw again the bag of flour that was sitting on the counter and you thought that, what better way to take revenge on Wanda for making you wait so long was, than to cover her in flour.

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