
1K 14 0

Created: 15.09.2021

Finished: 10.02.2022

Edited: 08.10.2023

Age: 16

Word count: 752

Warnings: Drowning, Pools

Request: No

Note: This is the first ever story I wrote for the Marvel fandom and it's based on a joke I read 4 years ago.

It was a normal day off at the compound for the Avengers.

Natasha was sitting on the couch with Steve and Clint beside her, Tony at the table, reading something on his laptop.

Thor was probably in Asgard, but most likely in the kitchen eating pop tarts.

Bruce in his lab.

And you decided that going for a swim in the outside pool with Bucky was a good idea.

You were so wrong.

Bucky came running into the living area and stopped to catch his breath, while moving his hands up and down.

Your mom, Natasha, was the first one to understand that something was wrong.

She was a spy after all.

"James?" Natasha questioned a still-silent Bucky, raising her eyebrow, as she turned to face the man

"Bucks? What's wrong, buddy?" Steve asked his best friend, concerned

"Hey, guys. Y/N is in the pool and I don't think she's waterproofed." Bucky tried to explain the best he could in his panicked state, only to gain confused looks from everybody in the room

Silence settled over the room before Tony spoke.

"I think he's trying to say that Y/N is drowning." Tony said absent-mindedly, not raising his head from whatever he was doing on his laptop

"Oh." The red-haired ex-assassin simply said, turning her attention back to the TV

It took Natasha three whole seconds to realize what Tony had said.

"SHE'S WHAT?!" The woman yelled and shot up on her feet

"Affirmative, Miss Romanoff. It appears that your child is indeed struggling to stay above the water." F.R.I.D.A.Y. confirmed

Your mother sprinted towards the outside pool, faster than she had in her whole life, with the boys hot on her heels.

When Natasha saw you just floating above the water with your face down, her heart tightened in her chest.

Steve used his super-soldier speed and reached you faster than the others, jumping in to pull you out.

When the rest of the team finally arrived, Steve was already laying you on the ground.

Your mom threw herself on her knees, next to your head, and she moved the wet hair out of your eyes, with tears in her own, as Steve leaned forward to hear your heartbeat.

Not there.

"Not good, not good, not good." Steve panicked hard

He started CPR and instructed Natasha to blow air through your mouth.

They started to get more desperate when they saw that you weren't reacting.

"Come on, baby." Natasha quietly sniffed "Please."

Just then, you gasped for air and choked on the water that was in your mouth.

Natasha quickly turned you to one side and she sighed in relief.

After catching your breath, you looked around, taking in your surroundings as your mind was still in a hazy state.

As you did your eyes landed on the one person that always made you feel safe.

"Mama." You whispered, your voice weak

Natasha pulled you in her arms and hugged you tightly to her chest "I'm here, baby. You're okay. Everything is okay." A few tears escaped her eyes

She looked over your head at Steve and mouthed 'Thank you', to which he answered with a nod.

"I'm glad you're okay, kid. You kind of scared the shit out of us." Your Uncle Clint said, patting your back "Especially your mom."

"I'm sorry." You muttered, with your head resting on Natasha's shoulder

Your mom took a deep breath and slightly pulled you away to kiss your forehead "What happened, my love?"

"I-I was getting ready to get into the pool when Bucky came and pushed me in a little bit too hard. Then he just laughed, thinking I was joking." You explained before sighing "I guess that he ran to you when he figured it out that I wasn't." And with that, you jumped into your mother's arms again

"Why don't we get you to Bruce for a small check-up? Huh?" The woman smiled and motioned to her best friend to help her lift you

Clint quickly lifted you up and let you support onto him, as he started to lead ypu towards Bruce's lab.

When you and Clint were far enough, the ex-assassin turned to face Bucky, who was ready to run any second.

"We can discuss this." Bucky laughed nervously, raising his hands in defense

Let's just say that Bucky won't push anyone else in a pool for the rest of his life. Natasha made sure he learned the lesson.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now