First Easter

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Created: 22.04.2022

Finished: 24.04.2022

Edited: 11.09.2023

Word count: 1,086

Age: 10 months

Warning: Tony

Detka = Baby

Request: No

Summary: You and Natasha celebrate your first Easter together.

Natasha had never been a person who cared too much about celebrations like birthdays, Easter, Christmas, or any other there could be.

That was, of course, until she became a mother.

When Natasha unexpectedly had you, her world turned upside down, and suddenly all the things she was taught to be wrong and bad, were no longer wrong and bad.

She started to crave love and affection.

She wanted to be the best mother for you. To give you everything she couldn't have as a child.

Hugs, kisses, celebrations, silly faces, playtime, lullabies, or stories became the things the ex-assassin loved with all her heart now.

After you, of course.

You will always be the thing Natasha truly loves with all her being.

"Good morning, baby!" Natasha cooed at her baby as she took you out of your crib

"Mama!" You excitedly clapped your hands

You said your first word about a month ago and there weren't actually too many words that you could currently say. Three words. That was all you could say at the moment. But Natasha was so proud of you for being an early talker and she tried her best to slowly teach you new words.

As soon as you were in her arms, you snuggled closer to her chest and remained silent for a few seconds while Natasha rocked you from side to side.

"Guess what day it's today, baby?" Nat lowered her head to look at your face "It's Easter! Can you believe it, detka?! Your first Easter!"

As an answer, you started babbling when you heard Natasha's excitement and she couldn't help but smile and copy you.

"Where on Earth it's Stark?" Sam shouted as he entered the common room where everyone was gathered

"I don't know." Steve declared "No one had seen him the entire morning, not even Pepper."

"Why do I feel like he's about to do some stupid thing, only his ass could do?!" Bucky stated as he continued to eat some fruits from his plate

Let's just say that Bucky wasn't wrong at all.

Because when Tony ran inside the room dressed as a bunny, well... more like a drunk bunny, all the kids started screaming and crying.

All except you.

"Hey, hunny bunnies! Guess who's here?!" Tony started moving around the room and closer to you who were sitting in your mother's lap on the sofa

Natasha finished feeding you just in time before Tony made his grand entrance, scaring all the kids away.

Everyone collectively face palmed themselves, this was such a Tony move. And yet, they kind of expected him to do something like that. He's Tony after all.

"Mini Romanoff..." Tony extended his arms to take you from Natasha's "Come to Uncle Tony."

The moment Tony started removing you from your mom's arms, you screamed so loud that Tony almost dropped you to the ground. But as soon as Natasha held you again, your cries faded away.

Natasha only glared at Tony and the man vanished into thin air.

"It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay. Mama's right here." Natasha whispered while rubbing your back as you hid your face in her chest, clinging to her

Natasha already had planned a lot of fun activities for you two to do together.

She started by dressing you in the cutest pink and white dress there exists and a baby jacket that had a white bunny on the back.

Then she took you outside the compound, and you both lay on a picnic blanket.

Natasha was looking mesmerized at you all the time. You were her little miracle and you simply amazed her more and more with each day that passed.

The way you would turn your head at every sound or how you would smile and babble when Natasha explained to you about nature and animals, and sounds or look where she pointed and carefully watched whatever she showed you with curious eyes, was something the woman thought she'll never get to experience because of her past.

"Look, Y/N! Here's your gift!" Natasha lowered down beside you a basket full of things, after you two returned from watching the duckies at the pond and feeding them

As soon as you saw the multitude of things in that basket you did your best to sit using all your baby strength and started giggling as you reached to pull the things out.

There were a few baby books, a baby blanket, some stuffed animals and interactive toys, and clothes. All for you.

You first reached for a stuffed dog.

"Pup." You smiled at your mom, proudly showing her your new toy "Mama. Pup."

"That's right, Y/N. It's a puppy. Good job!" She kissed the top of your head "Let's see what else you have here."

You spent the rest of the day in your mom's arms outside, playing with toys, listening to her as she read you from your new books and sang happy songs for you to clap and babble along and maybe even get you to learn a new word.

It was late and the day was almost over when Clint, Steve, Wanda, and a beat-up Tony, made their way inside the common room.

But as soon as they got inside, they froze in place.

"Is that... Romanoff?" Tony questioned "F.R.I.D.A.Y., record this please."

"Tasha?" Clint called for her

But Natasha was too focused to chase you, crawling all around the room. The sound of her laughter and happy voice, alongside your baby giggles, were filling the compound.

"I'm gonna catch you! I'm gonna catch you!" Natasha laughed as she crawled after you

The sight of her pretending to move faster only made you crawl as quickly as you could.

"Come on, guys!" Wanda pushed the boys out "It's not our place here. Let them have their moment. It's private!"

Even if they got out, Tony still kept the recording of Natasha crawling after her daughter during their playtime.

That video will become an important reminder for you of how much your mom loves you.

"I love you." Natasha whispered in your ear after she finished her lullaby but you were already sound asleep in her arms "I hope you enjoyed your first Easter as much as I did, baby."

Natasha's heart swelled from joy when you smiled in your sleep as she kissed your forehead before putting you back in your crib.

This was the first Easter ever for both of you and it was definitely a memorable one.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now