Handmade Gifts

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"You... want 'us', to make Handmade gifts... with these??" Vanitas said, raising his eyebrows towards the excited male that was inches taller than him. He saw Noé nodding at him with sparkle, glittered eyes as if stars were inside them.

"Yeah, that's right!"

A snickered came out from his mouth when he heard Noé's reply. He began to speak his head while crossing his arms in the process,

"Hah! You must be joking. Why would I waste my time to make you a small rubbish?" He said in a mocking tone

"Hey! Handmade gifts are not rubbish!!"

the vampire immediately denied it without hesitation, it made Vanitas snortrted boredly, he then flipped some of his hair off his shoulder before speaking in a sarcastic way.

"Yea right, what's the point of making these anyways?! It's such a waste of time."

"I thought it'll be fun to make eachother handmade gifts and had a little bit of fun! We haven't got much work and had some free time, so this is all I could came up with!" He said in an amusing and childish way, placing every each of the material infront of them.

Vanitas huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes just to let out a single chuckle.

"Fine, But don't get your hopes up. I'm not that good at making these kind of things.."

He spoke carelessly, leaving Noé just sighed and got bored by his own behavior, but soon after he let out a small laugh and snickered at the end.

"I don't mind. Afterall, it's just for fun. Shall we begin?"

"Fine by me."

Noé smiles excitedly and placing all the things he find to make their gifts. The raven haired male tilt his head a bit while looking at the materials, there were sewing sets, 2 scissors, colorful papers and glitters, plain small potion bottle and many more. The mini empty potion bottle caught his attention the most.

"What are we gonna do with all these?" He scoffed

"Well, we need as many materials we need to make eachothers gifts, right? So I tried to ask Amelia if I could take some of un-used materials so we could make our gift!"

"Uhuhh... fine, so how are we gonna make this?"

Noé then explains that they will have only an hour to make eachother a gift they handmade and will have to make it in different place so none of them will peek through. Vanitas carelessly agreed and went to grab some off the materials before walking himself to the kitchen and made the gift there. When he saw the materials he got, he was in total blank and doesn't know what to make for awhile, but his mind was not working.

"Huughhh... this is going to be so complicated.." He mumbled under his breath. He kept thinking about what to make for that idiot Vampire, but nothing came to his mind. Insane, they have been partners for months and Vanitas still has not know anything much about him, except that he likes pastries (tarte tartin) and has a high sightseeing habit. But that's all.

"You know what, why do I need to think hard?! It's not like I care anyway-" Thought Vanitas,then the next minutes he spend his time carefully making Noé's gift. Typical.

meanwhile, at their bedroom,

The white haired Vampire was peacefully making his dear friend's gift, They might not be close but Noé had understood what kind of person Vanitas is. So it would be easy for him to reply or do whenever they were either arguing or when Vanitas was in the wrongs(sometimes). Now back to the gift, Noé was thinking making something for Vanitas' hair... he's been admiring his raven colored hair from the first time they met, though he never gets to stroke nor touch Vanitas' hair because he knew that human would scold him, its just that Noé wanted to touch it and braid it so bad, so he made a "special" hair tie as an excuse to touch the raven's hair.

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