The Pleasant Birthday

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Pls forgive me lol- anyway here, since it's our baby boy's birthday, I will make a vanoé fanfic again RAAAAHHHHH. I love them, I live laugh love THEM. SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, LET'S GET STARTED
(Edit: I made this chapter on Noé's birthday btw, but I posted this probably a month later due to internet problems in my place:))

Today, it was a pleasant noon for everyone around Paris. Well, at least for some of them. Vanitas grumbled annoyingly as he was dragged down by Amelia and was forced to sit down at the hotel cafe area along with the others, such as Dominique, Jeanne, Luca, Dante, Johann, And Riche. Dominique was the one who gathered them all, but she wasn't expecting Vanitas to come too, though she didn't care.

"Alright, so we all know that Noé's birthday is coming up soon in 2 days, right?" The elegant female asks while crossing her arms. They all nodded slowly, all except Vanitas of course.

"I want us all gathered together to discuss how to surprise him, but there is a small issue. I don't have any theme for his birthday in mind, any ideas?" Domi asks politely. The group then started to discuss what should they make and do for Noé's theme party, though there was one person who wasn't discussing with the others. It was none other than Vanitas, he was dead silent, refused to talk, and just listened to what they discussed. Then Dante started to notice Vanitas was not helping a single one of them, it got him to let out a sigh before going closer to the raven-haired male.

Vanitas was busy with his world, clearly not realizing that he was getting closer to him. Then as soon as Dante was close enough he spoke,

"Oi, Quack!" The orange-haired dham scoffed, making Vanitas suddenly pop out from his world and turn to look at him with an annoyed expression.

"What the hell do you want, Baldy?" Vanitas growled harshly.

"You've been so quiet in the whole conversation, you didn't even give any suggestions for YOUR partner's theme party" Dante frowned, causing Vanitas to shrug broadly.

"If you were wondering why I was quiet the WHOLE TIME, it's because this is BORING. And I honestly have no interest in discussing that idiot's birthday" He said and gave a grin, a mischievous one. His reply caught all the other's attention to stare at him.

"What? He's your partner, you don't want to give him gifts?" Johann spoke curiously.

"Yeah, How come you don't want to give him a single effort for his birthday? He's always there with you, it's the least thing you could do for him, Quack" Dante growled.

Vanitas began pouting and rolling his eyes towards the others, making Domi stare at him, "Because I don't have time to bring or even make him a gift."

"Why?" Domi asked while glaring at him.

The raven-haired male was so pissed, but tries to keep his cool, he kept pouting like a child, causing the others to stare at him with a glare.

"I have other things to do rather than doing this! Now, I must take my leave" Vanitas rose from his seat and was about to walk away when he heard Dominique standing up and then said something.

"If you don't want to give any effort to your partner, then mind as well not come to his party and celebrate!" Domi said, in a bit of a commanding tone. The raven-haired male stopped walking but didn't have the nerve to turn his head and looked at the others but only to shrug his shoulders.

"Yeah, whatever. I didn't even ask to be here in the first place." He soon walked away from the others' sights.

Soon, all of them let out a disappointed sigh, especially Dominique. She knew this would happen, But she was devastated for some reason.

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