Foolishly Sweet.

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Helloooooo, everyone! And welcome back!
It's a beautiful day to write another story, ain't it? Anyway, I really don't have anything to say but let's say I'm extremely bored!Σ( ̄□ ̄;) However, I was reading this one fic on ao3, and I got an idea from it!

I hope you enjoy, sweetheartsヽ(*'▽)ノ♪

(Dating(?) AU)





I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

I saw myself, however, younger. I was standing across him in a dark room with only small lights coming below me. My body began to shiver as I watched the same scene, the scene where I ended Luna, and how I got that damn scar on my back. My wide eyes went to my right, I saw a young boy with white hair, begging me with tears to stop hurting the ginormous figure that was supposed to be our guardian, a parent. Instead, it became my biggest fear.

I couldn't move. Why? If only I could, I would run. I don't want to witness this.

Am I scared?

For no reason, my body felt like it would fall. It was trembling, shaking in this weird yet terrifying atmosphere. I feel like it could eat me alive then and there.

Please move.

Please don't do this to me.

I don't want to see this.

I saw Misha screaming at younger me as i stabbed Luna for the last time. Suddenly, Luna's body became thousands of dust. It shivered me when I heard her words,

"Guard your past with your soul, Vanitas... And if anyone wants to see it, kill them."

Those were the words that I swore to myself.


I immediately jolt and accidentally fell down to the ground. Luckily, I managed to save myself by letting my back fall first. Weird, I thought I couldn't move. I slowly lift my head, and to my shocked it was Misha. His eyes were bloodshoted with rage, with tears forming down like a water fall. How can he see me?

"You killed Father... why...?" His voice was trembling, like a whisper, but it still shivers me into the spines. I couldn't move again, but I could feel my heart slowly sinking as I stared into those eyes,

Eyes with hatred and anger.

"...why did you kill Father? HE SAVED US. WHY?.. ANSWER ME!!"

My eyes grew wider and wider. Again ana again, those words were inside my mind like a curse. What do you mean why? I thought I did what was right for me, for us.

Is it not?

Misha was shouting at me directly, in such a loud scream that made my body froze to death, "CURSE YOU! I HATE YOU!"

Please stop.


Can you please shut up.


I clenched my teeth together while my lips were quivering. I hate to know the fact Misha was right, I did ruin this family.

Do I regret it? Maybe.

Do I miss it? I don't know.

"... it's always my fault..." I whispered to myself while looking down to hide my face. This dream has been haunting me for weeks. Why can't it stop?

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