Lip Balm.

371 6 18

Request by XsLIGHTsX
Thank you for the request!!

HAII!! I'm so sorry for not updating for weeks! The internet was and is STILL gone, but I managed to find a place with good internet, so I'm giving you something as an apology, enjoy!

(Modern AU)

Noé was smiling. He smiles so brightly as he sees his favorite pastry, tarte tartin, behind the glass window of a local bakery. Without hesitating, the vampire pushed the door open and could hear the bell above him ringing in joy. After a few minutes wandering off and buying his favorite pastries, the vampire went outside again and made his way to sit on a bench.

"Tarte tartin..." His mouth almost drooled as his eyes sparkled. He took the pastry and started eating it while enjoying the view of the sun. He enjoys watching it while eating his pastry, especially when it's sunset. Air began to flow softly against his skin. His hair would flow so gracefully while dancing along with the chilly air. His eyes made it hard to look away as they gazed upon the beautiful sky and clouds, almost covering the sun with it.

"Hmm," Noé wondered, "I wonder if Vanitas is back yet." He looked down to see the pastry and slowly took a bite out of it.

He hasn't seen Vanitas ever since morning greeted his figure in their shared bedroom. When he woke up, he realized he was all alone, with no one but empty, dead funitures and the sound of birds that were outside his window, Even the rooftop was empty. Noé even called him several times, but he didn't answer any of them. It really upsets him that Vanitas left without telling him. However, he decides to brush off his negative feelings and keeps repeating, "I'm sure he has an important meeting or something..." Inside his head.

Once he was done with his pastry, he rose from the bench and went home all by himself, of course.

When he finally arrived at his house, he stood in front of the door and turned the doorknob open while pushing it in process. 'Home sweet home,' Noé happily thought to himself as he stepped into the average sized house.

"Vanitas! Are you home yet?"

He shouted, but no reply. He looked down in disappointment while taking off his shoes to place them on the shelf.

"Where is he?" Noé mumbles to himself.

The vampire brought his feet together and walked towards his bedroom, but when he opened the door and looked up, his violet eyes immediately lit up as if they saw something that really caught their attention. Noé saw a smaller figure in front of him and had their back facing forward. The smaller male turned his head to reveal his face. Of course, it was Vanitas with his stupid little smirk.

"Hey, Mon chaton~, did you miss me?" Vanitas playfully asked him, however Noé was still staring in speechless as he saw the human in front of him. Why? Noé noticed his partner's hair, and it no longer had a long ponytail that it usually fell down his shoulder.

"Vanitas?... what happened to your hair..?! And where have you been?!"

Vanitas constantly giggled like a maniac, "Ah, so you noticed? I was just testing out a new look." He replied proudly as he adjusted his front hair a bit.

"You still haven't answered my other question!" Noé groaned.

"Alright, jeez... Like I said, I was trying a new look, so it's obvious. Though, I went out for a little longer just so I could tease you."

"IS THAT WHY YOU HAVEN'T BEEN HOME SINCE MORNING?! I WAS WORRIED SICK!" Noé angrily replied while walking closer towards his lover. He couldn't believe Vanitas would do this just to tease him again! However, the raven haired male simply chuckled.

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