Morning Hugs

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Hey pookie wookies, I'm back with another fic<33
Thanks to my amazing brain bc without it, I wouldn't be writing this🗣🗣‼️
So, in this oneshot, I would like to write about one of my headcanons, that is; Vanitas despise waking up in the mornings since he only got 2-3 hours of sleep, so he would easily get in a bad mood every morning. Noé being noé, he he would give random morning hugs to Vanitas, and it eventually became their habits(mostly Vanitas).






He.... hates waking up. He, Vanitas, hates waking up every morning. Vanitas really despise waking up in the morning. The raven has his eyes narrowing to the ground below his feet while having the most shittiest expression on his face. He would constantly start his day by either starting an argument with those people around him or yelling at Murr for no reason over small things.

"YOU DAMN CAT! HOW DARE YOU JUMP ON MY BED- GET OFF!!" The raven scolded the white furry cat that was glaring and hissing at him. However, he was too stubborn to calm himself down and proceeded to walk closer to the cat and simply grabbed it with his hand.

"MEOOWW!!" The sound of a hissing cat started to fill the room like an annoying bell in his ears, the poor white cat began to whipped his claws as if he's trying to scratch the raven, causing him to have his blood to the boil and glared at Murr.

"Listen here, you little piece of shit. I don't want anyone or ANYTHING to ruin my day since I'm getting tired of something always ruining my damn mornings!" He scolds, almost yelling, but he holds it in and glares again. However, it didn't last long after the raven carelessly put the cat back on his feet. Murr looks pissed and only shouts an angry "meow" at Vanitas before walking towards Noé's bed. Vanitas glared at the cat, who is now hoping on Noé's bed and sleeping there.

In the end, he lets out a harsh groan before standing up on his feet again to clean his messy bed. "Stupid cat.... curse you for ruining my damn bed." He cursed while grabbing his blanket to adjust it. His mood was always down like a big huge downhill. He never knew why and how he was so frustrated every morning, maybe because he barely had any sleep? No... it could be, but that wasn't the main reason.

One time, when Vanitas went to get some morning coffee with Noé, he ended up shouting at one of the employees who brought his coffee and realized it was filled halfway.

"ARE YOU EVEN IN YOUR RIGHT MIND?! You have one TASK, and you can't even accomplish it?!" He yells at the waiter who was bowing at him at that time.

"Vanitas, stop shouting, it's not nice to shout at people!" Noé frowned at his partner, trying to grab his shoulder, but he refused by slapping Noé's hand away.

"Don't you dare get into this!" The raven gave his death glare at Noé, making him feel tensed. Vanitas went back to look at the waiter with a disgusting look on his face.

"You... really made my day WORSE. I asked for a BLACK COFFEE WITH NO SUGAR! NOT THIS THING!" He yelled, showing his "coffee" to the waiter as if he were frustrated. The waiter looked at him with fear, bowing their head even more for mercy.

"I-i apologize for my mistakes, sir. I will get your new coffee as soon as possibl-"

"Blah blah blah! Yea, right, I don't want to listen to your shitty words. Because guess what? I'm done with this place!" Suddenly, Vanitas purposely threw his coffee at the waiter's head, causing them to cry in pain and make everyone around him gasped in disbelief. Vanitas hid his grin, but it was obvious he was a bit happy but not satisfied. However, there was one person who was pissed at Vanitas' behavior. A loud bang came behind him, making his head turned and saw Noè glaring at him in rage.

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