« 𝘈𝘤𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘦 » - 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘞𝘦?

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   Ren's green eyes fluttered open, quickly gazing around herself to see her friends. She took a heavy sigh of relief, as she just as quickly did a double-take. 

   'Didn't we all get crushed-'  Ren's mind again drifted to the last thing she saw before passing out, the blinding green hue of the tv. 

   She sighed to herself as she realized the rest of her friends slowly waking up from their slumber, or deaths-? She didn't know what to call it exactly. 

   All she saw was Jello rubbing her slightly sleepy face, and rubbing her eyes. And then, she screamed. 

   Looking at the water surrounding the boat they were sat upon, Jello took a good look at herself. "Well, I guess I'm twelve again. Isn't this just great?" She grumbled to no one in particular, while the others were either squishing their faces together, or screaming at themselves in the water's reflection. 

   From an outside perspective, it was safe to say that these group of girls looked batshit crazy.

   Ren was murmuring, while checking her spell book, looking at the page that was ripped out of it.  And, how splendid was it, that it was that exact page that they needed to go home. 

How wonderful. 

   Joy did some breathing exercises to make sure she didn't choke herself - much worse someone else - until they were black and blue. 

   And, right about that moment, Suki and Ruby suddenly ran back into the room, their breath heaving. "...We-" 

   "Calm down, take a deep breath, and then tell us." Ren said, with worry, yet anticipation laced into her voice. 

   Suki and Ruby gave each other once last look, as they turned to the rest of the group. "We are trapped in HunterxHunter..." Joy took a couple deep chuckles, as she turned to the two, "Great joke! Now tell us the tru-" But looking at the two girls' expression already told her enough. 

   They weren't fucking joking.

   In the corner sat, Ren and Jello, who were already studying hard. Jello writing with white chalk around their room talking about calculations, and Ren completely focused on flipping the pages from her spell book. 

   A couple hours later, and the only sound in the room was flipping pages, and scratching chalk. Nothing more, and nothing less. 

   The realization - or the harsh reality - of never seeing their family again, never going home again, hit them like a wall of bricks. And just in two hours, they all had spedrun the 5 stages of grief over 50 times. 

   The chalk and the flipping of pages came to a sudden halt, as both Ren and Jello seemed to have an epiphany. The group's eyes widened, but allowed the two to speak. 

   "We are, luckily not stuck in a paradox, but..." Ren took a look at their friends, before continuing, "We are finitely stuck here until the storyline ends..." Jello said with another deep breath and a check of her calculations. 

   The room went silent, almost eerily so, as Suki finally had the gall to speak up. "So, we're stuck in this universe, until the main storyline ends? With no contact home? Nothing?" Suki said once again, as her voice turned solemn. 

   "The good thing, is that, when we get home, it will seem as if no time has passed. So we'll go back to normal..." Jello said, once again triple checking her 'calculations' as she called it. 

   Ren's face contorted with a weird expression, as chuckled evilly. "Don't you guys get it? We get to have a couple year long vacation, with a bunch of anime men AND women walking around~" 

   It took Jello and Joy a while, for their brains to process the information, before they turned to the others who all had a perverted expression. "Y-you.... SICKOS!" They said in sync, while backing away from their friends - that they, now, did not recognize.

   Their once defined worry, vanished into nothingness, as the group goofed off for the rest of the day. Just the guarantee that they would be able to make it home was a HUGE weight lifted off their shoulders. 

   A couple minutes, turned into hours, as the group were now back in their room. Ruby stared outside the window, as she turned to her friends. All knocked out, asleep, on the floor. 

   The sunset's rays illuminated the small, yet comforting room, as Ruby's expression turned into a small smile. Though her friends were idiots, they were her idiots. And she be damned if anyone would hurt one of them. 

   She grimaced at her own sappy thoughts, before, she, too, drifted off to sleep on the chair, the sunset fading into the sea, and stars appearing in the midnight blue sky.

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