« 𝘈𝘤𝘵 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳 » - 𝘗𝘌𝘋𝘖 𝘔𝘈𝘕 !

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  Once Jello was reunited with her friends it was... Interesting.

  The typically non-violent Ren, had Ruby in a chokehold, Suki keeping possession of Ren's spellbook. 

  "WHY DID YOU TRIP ME?! I WAS SO CLOSE TO FINISHING, YOU BI-" Ren yelled at Ruby, as Ruby choked out something about not being able to breathe. 

  This definitely gained the attention of a lot of people. Jello facepalmed at this. She was literally only gone for 10 minutes... 

  "One, okay Ren how did you managed to get Ruby in a chokehold?!" Joy exclaimed, as she had recently caught up to them. 

  "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING I LOOK WEAK OR SOMETHING?!" Ren yelled out as Jello saved Ruby from the pissed off blonde girl. The examiner seemed unimpressed by the scene laid out in front of him.

  Jello pointed at the main group of people, who were currently staring at them, along with a crap ton of other people. 

  Ren immediately froze, no longer yelling at poor Joy. Ruby was still struggling, as it felt like Ren had snapped her airways. 

  Some mfer clown looking ahh looked impressed, and Ren wanted to die. At that moment she did, at least. 

  He kept on staring at the group, especially at Jello and Ren, while licking his lips. This didn't go unnoticed by Jello, who thought he was some closet pervert or something. 

  Joy stared at him with the same vigor, and the group could swear that the saw electricity in between the two. Though, the clown man found this highly amusing, chuckling to himself, in a very 'no bitches' fashion. 

  He turned to look away, when Mr. Satotz began to talk - more like monologue - but we'll ignore that. 

  "We must cross The Milsy Wetlands to get to phase two of the exam." They could hear some birds cawing, before Mr. Satotz continued. 

  "This place is home to truly a bizarre bunch of animals. Who all deceive and feast of human prey. So please, be very careful." Mr. Satotz pointed up is index finger, before speaking, one, last, time. "If you're deceived, you'll surely die." 

  This caused a bunch of grown men to shiver. Joy didn't even bat an eye. If she's survived an ass whooping from her mother; then, she can survive anything. 

  The run started, with Suki chugging her 17th monster energy of the day, while Ren sighed. To make sure that Gon doesn't get child predatored on by Hisoka, Ren and Jello decided to follow the ball of sunshine. 

  And the second Ren laid eyes upon Kurapika, she unknowingly started to drool again. Jello could only see how Ruby was right, Ren was a simp to the end of her days. 

  Jumping in and through the trees, silently, they ended up sitting on a branch. Watching Hisoka silently slice and dice the multiple men coming at him, was pretty impressive. Not to mention the background music was a fuckin bop. No lie, whoever made Hisoka's theme song needed a fucking raise. 

  Anyways, so they can stop breaking the fourth wall, Ren and Jello looked around, unable to see any other's due to the thick fog. The two girls scanned the area, trying to peer through the fog. The only thing that could be pointed out through the mist was the silhouette of a green bean getting choked by a man with a goofy ass clown cosplay. 

  Ren, even before Jello could react pulled up beside Hisoka, who had a surprised expression on his face. And to add the cherry on top, she pulled out a AK47 out of literally nowhere. Jello would question it, but she knew better, or else she whipped too. 

  "Get away from the broccoli boy, you nasty, dollar store pennywise looking ass. Not even pennywise, your name is Nickel Smart or something." She said, very pissed off, or as pissed off a little 12 year old girl could look. 

  Hisoka, being the fake lil bitch he is, simply smirked and released Gon. "Yeah, that's right... Walk away with your nonexistent ass you motherfu-" All it took was one horrified look from Kurapika, for Ren to zip it. 

  Thank god Gon was knocked out, or he would've heard the next unsolicited string of curses that followed after. Ren waved innocently at Kurapika, putting the AK-47 into whatever pocket dimension she somehow pulled it from. 

  The boy just sweatdropped, looking towards the the other girl that Gon and Killua wouldn't stop talking about. Ren looked around, noticing the lack of a certain book in her hands. She immediately started freaking out, running into the fog to search for it. 

  "REN!" Jello called after the witch. Ren didn't even hear Jello, until the two ended up in the middle of an extremely condensed area of fog. They were back to back because they couldn't see two feet in front of them. 

  "The second challenge will begin without us!" Ren exclaimed, eyes widening in worry, of missing her precious time with Menchi. Jello contemplated this, narrowing her eye in an effort to look through the fog. 

  Jello just sighed, before throwing Ren like a sack of potatoes onto her back. "Hold on tight!" The black haired girl shouted before running with so much strength that the Kurta had to squint his eyes to get even a half good look. The trees shook with the gust of the air, and just like that they were gone with the wind... Literally. 

  Kurapika could only stare in shock, and a little worry, at the little 12 year old feet that was indented in the grass and the ground. He could only shiver to imagine what a kick from Jello would feel like. 

  And so much for 'keeping an eye on those girls' as Killua stated. He could only have traumatic flashbacks from when, the blonde who saved them, horridly snapped her friend's airways just because she tripped her. 

  Not to mention the one with brown hair - of whom didn't even break a single sweat during the run - while staring at her phone the entire time. If only the Kurta knew the girl's Pacer Test score, he would be terrified. 

  Also adding in the one that was bombing contestants, 'to add a bit of spice' as he quoted from Suki. 

  The one with blood red hair, that was cursing out so many people back and forth, that the contestants passed out from the lack of breath. 

  And, finally, the one that literally had sent indents in the concrete, with nothing short of superhuman strength. 

  If anything was certain, these girls were NOT, by any means, normal.

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