G H O S T ✾ F A C E

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      "OH! What did you think of the new Friday the 13th movie?" Cassy wondered as she leaned against the nurse's station

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      "OH! What did you think of the new Friday the 13th movie?" Cassy wondered as she leaned against the nurse's station. "I saw it last night with some of my friends."

"Honestly," Her co-worker began looking uneasy. "It gave me the creeps... like the way he killed them was- just, ugh!"

Cassy shrugged her shoulders lazily as she twirled a piece of her blonde hair. "I thought it was quite good. However, I find it to be quite predictable. Like come on!" She groaned throwing her head back. "Do drugs? Dead. Have sex? Dead. Drink beer? Dead. It's like you are signing for your end."

There was a loud thud which made her coworker to jump looking at the cells around them. Working in a mental health hospital had its perks, but it wasn't meant for everyone. Jeez, calm down. Cassy though looking over to a familiar door. C378. The cell that held two ridiculously hot men that were known for being ghostface. Billy Loomis and Stu Marcher were one of the youngest inmates, but also the most snoopy.

As she looked over at the door, she made eye contact with Billy as he looked through the wire window. She let out a small snicker as he tried to pretend he wasn't ease dropping on their conversation.

"The whole idea of horror movies isn't very appealing to me." Her coworker admitted as she went back to charting. "I also don't get why in some movies they try to make the killer an attractive guy or girl. Who would every be interested in a murder?" She wondered with a disgusted expression forming  on to her face.

"You'd be surprised..."


The blonde threw her hands up in protest. "I'm just saying! I know plenty of girls who would be willing to be with a killer and do literally anything for them. Even become a murder themselves." She explained.

"That's crazy."

"No, it's not." Cassy denied shaking her head. "And I hope you know if we were in a horror movie... you'd be the first to die."

Cassy watched as her coworker stood up in frustration. "Stop talking nonsense. You sound insane." She huffed pulling at her hair. "It's weird and stupid!" With a final look she stormed off down the hall to the break room where Cassy hoped she'd learn how to 'chill out and fuck off'.

"What's got her panties in a wad?"

Cassy felt a small smile grow on her lips as she turned around to face Billy. "We just don't see eye-to-eye on things." She said as she approached the metal door.

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