Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

( A/N: Kekekekeke! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ )

Samael exited the Temple of Moirai with his thoughts in a daze. He can still vividly hear the screams of the gods and goddesses and the reflection of himself mercilessly stomping on Olympus with an expressionless face.

Fuck... Samael gritted his teeth. His left hand gripped his right, trembling arm as he continued to walk in conflict. Seeing the future he holds, it would be a lie to say that he's not scared. For some reason, he's starting to lose confidence in what he would do.

"What are you scared for?"

Samael paused. He turned to his side and stared at Hermes, who was looking at him with a small smile on his face. The god's ruby eyes are staring intently at him; there was a mix of pity and concern in his eyes, but Samael didn't bothered to look into more details. He glared at Hermes and continued walking. "Won't you go on already? I already told you what will happen in the future, since I'm the only one who can accurately look at the future I hold."

"Right, right, I will leave." Hermes sighed and lifted both arms in surrender. "Not unless you hold my hand."

"What are you?"

"I'm saying I'll escort you out of this mountain as quickly as possible." Hermes cut him off with a smile.


Samael glanced at him, bewilderment all written on his face. He stared down at Hermes' hands, reaching out to him, and accepted it with a heave of his breath. "I'm letting you know that you're a strange man."

Hermes chuckled and held his hand tighter. "I get that a lot."

"If you're trying to flirt with me, stop it," Samael replied in a sharp voice.

Hermes shurried and didn't respond. With the same trick he pulled to teleport Samael in front of the Temple of Moirai, the serene view of the plaiins of flowers greeted Samael. He felt slightly dizzy from the feeling of the vortex pulling him in; his hands remained at Hermes, who was smiling as he stared at him.

Samael shifted his gaze at him and squinted his eyes at him. "I'm telling you again, I'm a married man."

"I know," Hermes replied with an annoyed expression. "You repeated that many times already!"

Samael replied, "I'm just reminding you in case you try something funny."

Hermes scoffed and patted Samael's head. "I won't, so don't worry."

Samael lifted his gaze on him and nodded, "Good." He can see the carrage and the Pegasus in his peripheral vision. He gave Hermes a small smile and bowed as he spoke. "Farewell. Till we meet again."

Samael waited for the carriage to land before he went inside. He peeked at the window and smiled at Hermes as he mouthed words that made Hermes halt in his position.

'Might need help later on.'

"Pfft!" Hermes grinned and waved goodbye to him, watching the carriage move further away from him. Hermes sighed to himself and murmured, "How bold, acting like we're friends already."

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