five ~ the odd one out

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"Wake up, you lazy shank!" Minho yelled, roughly banging on Londyn's door before morning light hit. He paused, listening in through the door to hear her groan lazily. He started knocking again.

Then, she remembered what she was going to do that day, and she jumped out of bed quickly, giving herself a slight head rush. "I'm up!"

She opened the door, and his face lit up with amusement when he saw how tired she looked. "Good start," he said, folding his arms. "Let's go get some breakfast, can't run on an empty stomach."

Londyn went green, the very thought of eating anything at this time of day nauseated her. Minho shook his head. "I know that look on any shank. Trust me, don't try running without food."

"Aren't we taking lunch with us?"

"The whole point is to make it until lunch, girl-shank."

"Okay, give me five minutes," she replied with a tired sigh. She paused what she was doing, looking at him. "Can you leave? I need to change."

Minho gave a nod, rolling his eyes before leaving and shutting the door behind him. Within five minutes she was dressed and heading out the door, her hair tied into a tight ponytail and shoelaces double-knotted.

Walking over to where the Runners were sitting, an empty place next to where Minho was sat and a plate of pancakes awaited her. She sat down, and the boys at the table stopped talking.

"First-day jitters, Greenie?" Ben asked, a mouth half full of food.

Londyn shook her head, picking up a fork to mess with her food. "Nope. I am just so excited to run off into a huge Maze infested with screaming, evil monsters first thing in the morning."

"Hey, you wanted this," Minho challenged. "You can back out--"

"Who says I want to back out?" she cut him short. "Just let me wake up first, then you'll be the one wanting to back out."

"Ooh," Ben jeered, making a sizzling noise with his lips. "Sheesh, not a morning person."

"Eat up," Minho ordered her, pointing to her plate. "I ain't dragging you back here if you're gonna be a slinthead."

"I'm trying," she replied, forcing a mouthful of food into her mouth. Chewing it was a challenge, and she wondered how she would get used to doing this every day. Eventually, she managed to down just over half of the plate.

"Good enough," Minho said before getting up quickly. "Let's go fill our water bottles and grab our lunch, we're burnin' daylight."

The next thing was to gear up in the Map Room, where Londyn finally felt her brain catch up with how early it was. Minho leaned on the table. "Today section three is open," he began, pointing to it. "Easy one to start memorizing."

Londyn frowned, wondering how that made sense. "But, it's a Maze, isn't it all meant to look the same?"

"Oh, so you are awake?" he joked, instantly making her feel stupid. "Nice of you to join us."

He dropped a notebook in front of her. "Best way to start is to take note of significant things, sketch lines for the route we take, I'll check it when we get back to make sure you've been paying attention."

"Okay," she agreed, tucking it into the back of her vest. She tightened the straps, already feeling sweaty.

"Right, let's go, girl-shank," Minho decided suddenly, and they were off. They got to the doors, and Londyn's eyes widened as she saw them opening before her, revealing a dim passageway mossy and draped with vines.

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