T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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'soak her in her pain long enough for her to feel numb'


Luckily, houses in my estate were not too close to each other. When mom shouted back at Tim I was thankful for that for the first time.

"Do you think I want that again?"

"Of course you'd want that, it's what you've always wanted. You selfish woman, do you know what they did to me?" Tim responded, eyes strained on my fuming mother.

Why are they talking about this like it has happened before?

"Mom what's going on? What's he talking about? What asylum?" Emma beats me to the question, gaining all of our attention.

Mom sighed a tear falling down her cheek, wiping it away quickly she faced Tim with the greatest glare, "You are going back there and this time you'd come out when you're fully sane"

Her words confirmed my thoughts. This was always what I feared the most, this, this little act right here. The fear she believes she is doing something good for me while she'd be actually destroying me.

I remember late last year when Tim's disappearing act started, he disappeared for a week, and came back, but him and mom argued and for the first time he tried killing her.

I had cried that day, sad at the sight and happy that Wendy was at the Benson's for a sleepover.

The next couple of days forward I looked for Tim but couldn't find him, till May this year when he met me on the porch, panting heavily and wearing a white matching top and trouser. I had asked what happened but he was hell-bent on knowing if anyone was home, relieved to hear no one was, he came in.

That was the day he told me had mental health issues. And that was the day he also found out about mine. Till this day I never understood why he was wearing white matching outfits, and since he didn't tell me, every time he disappears I decided to ask where he would be going. Now looking at him, I know he ran away from there.

"Gladys you can't do this to me" Tim's voice broke. His fore head was plaited with sweat and his lips were trembling.

Was he that scared?

Suddenly sirens were blaring and I'm sure the whole estate by now were aware of what was happening.

"Gladys!" Tim shouted as he launched for mom.

Clutching my eyes shut a tear fell and a shudder ran down my spine.

"Gladys!" Tim shouted more now crying as some men dragged him away. "Don't do this to me!" he cried more trying to edge out of the tight grip he was held in. Terrified of the sight I turned to mom who just stares at him.

Something in me snapped in realization and I ran to mom "Mom tell them to stop" I grab her arms, "Mom, please" I plead, tears running down my cheek. "Please" I plead again my cries becoming louder.

Mom just continued staring back at me with no expression, "It's for his own good"

She says and I turn to Tim who was still struggling with the very strong looking men, "Please don't take him away" I cry and try pulling their arms away.

"Emma please help me, if we try we could pull me him aw-"

"And what?" She cuts in abruptly with a sad look.

Hearing a zapping sound I immediately turned back to Tim who was now unconscious and being dragged into the car much easier.

"No!" I screamed at the car that was now pulling out of our drive way. My eyes were blurry as I was screaming and crying, "Timothy!" I screamed one last time falling on the road unable to catch up to the still moving car.

"Timothy" I whisper as I continue crying, tears falling down my cheek. Screaming with all in me I cried more face palming myself.

"No no no no no" I grit my teeth realizing that Tim won't be gone to a place by his will or be able to come back by his will. He's in a place where he doesn't want to be and can't come back when he wants to. He can't crawl up to my window when he doesn't want mom or anyone else to know he's home.

Timothy is gone.

Gone. To an Asylum!

And it's because of her. I stumble to my feet and stare at my house. The hunted house where the only one who understood me doesn't live anymore. The house were every other person in there is like a walking mannequin to me.


I'm just like Tim, also not mentally stable; will she send me there?!

With a sudden tremendous amount of fear and gathering tears in my eyes I ran and ran, and ran as far as my legs could take me.

I never want to go there.


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