Chapter 50: Scouts on the run pt. 1

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Jean: Captain, we bought the supplies.

Armin: The MPs were handing these out.

He handed Levi a wanted poster that revealed the circulating rumors.

Eren: If what they say is true, the scouts will be disbanded. There's supposed to be a hunting party looking for us tonight. Guards were posted on all the vital roads. 

Mikasa: We need to hurry and find Y/n. 

Levi: He'll be fine. They're taking him by wagon. That gives us one day before they reach the Reiss estate. We need every second we can get to come up with a plan.

Sasha: Captain, I hear footsteps!

Levi: Shit. Everyone, get out of sight. If we hurry we can ambush them. Conny, Armin. You two act like you're a couple of hunters on a trip while we lie in wait.

Armin/Conny: Yes sir.

Levi: Eren, you're on point with Mikasa. I need you both at the top of your game.

Eren: Understood.

Mikasa: We won't let you down.

Levi: Good, now scatter.

The group broke off to carry out their roles. Meanwhile, the people that Sasha heard drew close to the small camp.

Hitch: Don't you think they have us spread out a bit much?

Marlo: We're more likely to find them if we're not in the same area. 

Hitch: Why'd they pair me up with you though? Did you orchestrate this so we'd get some alone time?

Marlo: I hate to bruise your ego, but you aren't my type.

Hitch: That so? Well good for you then.

Marlo: Doesn't this seem weird to you? Why would the scouts murder a civilian and run for the hills? We're talking about the same scouts who risk their lives for humanity. 

Hitch: Did you seriously forget what they did to Stohess? They tore it apart and for what? They murdered tons of civilians. Tell me you remember that. Annie's been missing ever since. She's probably dead too. 

Marlo: But in doing so, they uncovered a Titan hiding amongst us and took it prisoner. The MPs couldn't have done that. They'd rather sit on their asses and get drunk while playing games than work. How is disbanding the scouts what's best for humanity? 


Both MPs raised their rifles in the direction of the sound. They walked through the brush and saw someone kneeling at the creek with a bucket.

Marlo: Don't move! Raise your arms and stand up slowly.

The person complied but in doing so, revealed their ODM rig underneath the cloak.

Marlo: You must be a scout.

The person slowly turned around, revealing their identity as Armin.

Marlo: Dont make a sound and do exactly as I-

Interrupting his order, Eren and Mikasa leaped from the trees and took down the two MPs. They raised their blades to the necks of their pursuers.

Eren: Hand your guns to the one in front. 

Armin walked up and took their rifles away.

Armin: Don't say a word, right?

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