Chapter 3

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Omg! I just noticed Levi and I slept together. I woke up and he was still there! I woke up like my head was on his chest and he was just sitting laying there asleep with his leg on the rest thingy. And then I got up really quickly and he still didn't wake up. I poked him until he woke up.

"Stop it!" Levi yelled.

Then he walked out of the room like nothing happened. Just about three seconds later Sasha walked in.

" It was so cute seeing you and Levi sleeping together all cuddly." she said.

"We weren't all cuddly, we were just on the couch." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Whatever you say Mikasa." Sasha said. Then we started to walk to the training room.

"Hey guys." Levi snuck up behind us. Sasha looked so confused. Levi stood next to me and began to stretch. We were far enough away from her so that he could whisper without Sasha hearing him.

"What's up with her?" Levi asked.

"Nothing." I answered back.

"Well she doesn't look to happy to see me." he said.

" She's probably hungry or something." I explained.

"Okay, I'm going to gather up the rest of the squad." Levi walked out of the room.

"Okay, he's in love with you." Sasha said.

"No he's not!"

"Then explain why he follows you around!"

"He doesn't!" I yelled back.

"Yes he does, first you guys cuddled up all romantic and stuff on the couch, then he just comes in and talks to you! He follows you around like a little puppy dog, it's so lame. He's obsessed with you...... just like everyone else is!"

"Sasha shut up!" I yelled.

" You know what, just admit that you and Levi like eachother!" Sasha yelled back.

I ran out of the room as fast as I could.

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