Chapter two - new kid

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"That's poison ivy," says Stan. "That's poison ivy and that's poison ivy" "Where?!" Eddie says, terrified. "Nowhere! Not every plant is poison ivy Stan" Richie says agitated. "It could be" I reply to Richie's comment. "Ok well I'm starting to get itchy so-" Eddie gets cut off by Richie. I notice Bill has already started walking into the sewers and Richie quickly runs after him and they start searching for a sign that Georgie is there. "Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Eddie nods "Sometimes yeah, why?" "Then you probably have crabs." "Richie that is so not funny" I say, trying to stifle a laugh, desperately trying not to give Richie a reason to brag. Eddie starts yelling at Richie and Bill picks up a shoe and stares at it "GUYS!" I yell. "Oh shit. Don't tell me that's..." Stan trails off, "No Georgie w-wore g-goloshes." Bill answered Stan's question before he could finish it. "Soo... Whose sneaker is it?" Eddie asks. Richie looks between all of us and the shoe and replies, "It's Betty Ripsoms." They all pause and look at each other while Eddie freaks out "Oh shit, oh god, oh fuck. I don't like this!" "How do you think Betty feels?" Richie asks. "Running around these with only one frickin shoe?" I smack him upside the head. "Why do you have to be such an unsympathetic ass all the time trash mouth?" I yell. "Ouch! Damn, Carter! Do you have to do that so damn hard?!" I nod, smirking. "What if she's still here?" Stan mutters thinking out loud. He looks visibly shaken when Bill turns around after looking at all of us and carries on walking into the tunnel. "Come on Eddie!" I shout playfully. "My mom will have an aneurism, okay, if she finds out we're playing down here. I'm serious. Bill?" he states, anxiously. "If I was B-Betty, I would want u-us to find her," Bill says. "Georgie t-too." We all look down, thinking about what Bill said in silence. "What if I don't want to find her..." Eddie comments. "I mean, no offence Bill but I don't want to end up like Geo-" he pauses "I don't want to go missing either." I nod. "He has a point, I mean it's summer! We're supposed to be having fun!" "You t-too?" Bill asks me. "I'm sorry Bill, you're right but this isn't fun, this is scary and disgusting!" Bill goes to speak but is interrupted by a loud splash.

We all jump and turn around, there's a boy our age bleeding and falling over. "Holy shit! What happened to you?!" Richie laughs and I try to smack him upside the head again. He ducks, points and laughs when I miss so I push him into the water, laughing. Stan and Eddie roll their eyes and run around to help the boy up.

They're on their bikes and riding to Mr Keene's pharmacy with the bloody boy on the back of Bill's bike. "I mean I think it's great that we're helping the new kid but we also have to think about our safety. You guys know there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now my mom's friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole on the subway and a drop of AIDS blood got into his system from a hangnail. From a hangnail! And you can amputate legs and arms but," Eddie paused in thought. " How do you amputate a wai- DO YOU AMPUTATE A WAIST?!! You guys know that alleys are like the number one spots for dirty needles, you guys do know that right?" I walk over and hug Eddie as he looks close to crying stops talking and quickly hugs him back but still looks hysterical. We stand like that for a few more seconds while the bloody boy gets seated on a crate with the help of Stan.

"Richie and A-Ash wait here. Come on" Bill says to us. "Glad I got to meet you before you died," Richie states to the boy. I pick up an empty can near me and throw it at him, hitting him square in the back of the head. "Score!" I shout and thrust my fist into the air above me as a sort of victory stance as the boy looks between us and Richie glares at me. "What're you gonna do trash mouth?" I taunt "Hit me? You could never." "Oh, you asked for it." He lunges at me and I duck, I punch him in the arm careful to not be too hard. He tried punching me in the arm and I tried to duck again but I failed to do so in time and he kicked me in the leg as well. I bring my knee up to kick him in the balls, once again careful to not be too hard but still enough to hurt. We continue kicking and punching for a while until we get bored and turn around to see all the others staring at us. Eddie is holding a bucketload of medical supplies and is wide-eyed while Stan has a smug smile plastered on his face. "Shut it Urine," I say agitated, breathing quite hard. Richie and I collapsed on the floor next to each other and I laughed, hard. Everyone stops talking and looks at me confused, "what? You've seriously never heard me laugh before?"

Richie is hovered over Eddie's shoulder. "Suck the wound!" Richie yells at Eddie "I need to focus right now." Eddie replies. "Oh, you need to focus?" "Yeah! Can anyone get me something?" "What do you need?" I say. "Can you get my bifocals? They're in my second fanny pack." "Yeah, sure." "You have two fanny packs?" Richie remarks, amused. Bill wonders out of the alley. He and some girl start talking until I heard her ask "Ben from soc?" while walking towards us looking confused and concerned I hand Eddie the bifocals he needed and then knock Richie over. Ben looks up while Richie keeps insisting on Eddie that he needs to suck the wound. "Are you okay? That looks like it hurts" the girl asks. "No, I'm fine!" He claims, poorly trying to cover up his pain as he sits up. "I just fell." "Yeah right into Henry Bowers!," Richie says trying to stand up and I knock him back down. "Asshole" he mutters. "Trashmouth," I remark and we are just about to go into a shouting match when Bill shout-whispers "Shut it R-R-Richie." "Why? It's the truth!" I push him down and sit on his back. "Okay, let me just interrupt here. One, uh girl? It hurts? I would've never guessed from all the wounds and blood and shit. Two, what the hell was that Ben? No, you're obviously not. And three, shut the fuck up Richie." she ignores my comments. "Are you sure they got the 'right stuff' to fix you up?" the girl says and Ben smiles. "W-W-We'll take care of him." Bill stutters, smiling. "T-Thanks again Beverly." He says "Beverly?" I whisper to Richie as he pushes me off his back and sits next to me. "Yeah, dipshit." "Oh cool, I guess." He shrugs "Sure." "Yeah, maybe I'll see you around!" Beverly said happily, "Yeah, we were thinking about going to the q-q-quarry tomorrow if you wanted to come?" Bill asked Beverly. I was confused "We are?" I whispered to Richie again. "Apparently so." He whispered back. "Good to know! Thanks!" Beverly replied to Bill's invitation.

Beverly leaves and Eddie stands up and claps his hands to get the dirt off. "Nice going bringing up Bowers in front of her." Stan said to Richie as we both stood up, "Yeah you heard what she did." Eddie continued Stan's sentence. "What did she do?" "More like who'd she do! From what I hear the list is longer than my wang!" Richie whisper-shouts while looking around at us like he's a fucking storyteller or something. "That's not saying much," I whisper to Stan. "Hey, Carter! Got something to say to me?" Richie points out my mumble. "Oh, nothing new. Just saying that you have a short dick." I shrug. "And how would you know, Miss Carter?" He asks proud of himself. "I retract my statement. I would never go near that thing." I gag while the others wait for our daily argument to end. Stan whispers something to Eddie which makes them both laugh and Eddie whispers something back making them laugh again. "Oi, you two! Wanna tell me something?" I yell annoyed and they both shake their heads trying not to smile. "Anyway, they're just rumours. What they say about Beverly." I say and then try to reassure the sad-looking Ben after Richie says "Bill had her back in third grade y'know? They kissed in the school play. The reviews said you can't fake that sort of passion." He pauses and then talks in an awful British accent. "Now Pip Pip and tally ho my good fellows! I do believe this chap requires our utmost attention so get in there Dr. K! Come on, fix him up!" I chuckle a bit and Richie looks over at me and raises an eyebrow. He looks back at Ben and Eddie after a while. "Maybe you should shut the fuck up Einstein because I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the British guy with me right now-" Eddie declares, annoyed and getting cut off by Richie "Suck the wound get in there!" Richie shouts in an awful British accent again.

Again, another long chapter I'm sorry guys

Words- 1630

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