Chapter Six - Bevs Bath & Bloody Rocks

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Stan and I arrive at Bev's apartment complex a little later than everyone else and Eddie walks down the stairs holding a bin bag and covered in blood. "Stan come on, Ash stay with Richie it's too bloody for you." He demands. He knows I hate blood so I go along with it and look around until I notice Richie laying down and picking at some flowers. While walking over to him, I yell "Alright four-eyes?" He looks up surprised to find me going to lie down beside him. "Yeah, asshole. You?" "Meh, I'm tired and I'm not gonna lie, I kind of miss our silly little arguments and shouting matches and banter." "Yeah me too." "It's fun to hate people," "preach."

~time skip brought to you by Richie's broken glasses~

"You know, Ash and I love being your personal doormen, really but could you idiots have taken any longer?" Richie taunts the others. "Shut up Richie," Eddie says and Stan agrees. "Yeah, shut up Richie!" "No no, let the man speak. After all, he is right. I mean we were stuck out here for ages!" I say in Richie's Defense "Thank you! See even the ass gets it!" Richie adds. Ok, now you can shut it dipshit!" I retaliate. He holds his hands up "OK! Trash the Trashmouth! I get it." I stick my tongue out at him and he makes a face at me. "Hey, I wasn't the one who was scrubbing the floor and imagining it went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween!" Richie shouts while riding around all of us in circles.

After a while of waking, Bill broke the silence. "She didn't imagine it." He mumbles and we all look at him and stop waking. "I saw something too." "You saw blood too?" Asked Stan. Bill shook his head, "Not blood. I saw G-G-Georgie." He paused. "It seemed so real. I mean it seemed like him but there was this-" "the clown." Eddie and Ash finish utter, finishing Bill's sentence. "Yeah, I saw him too." They all nod. "Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie looks around at us confused. "Oh shit! That's Belch Huggins's car!" Richie observes, thanks Captain Obvious. "We should probably get out of here" Eddie adds. "Wait isn't that the homeschooled kids' and bike?" Bill points out, "Mike? Yeah, I know him!" I say to their surprise "What? I know people other than you guys you know!" I add. "We have to help him!" Bev says and we all nod agreeing on what we have to do. "We should?" "Yes!" I can't tell who said that because I'm already climbing through the bushes and down the path to get to Mike.

I run down and see Henry about to hit Mike over the head with a rock. I pick up a fairly large pebble and throw it, trying not to hit Mike. "Nice throw," Bev says and I thank her. We all pick up rocks and Mike scrambles to get over to us. "You losers are trying too hard. She'll do you, both of them will. You just gotta ask nicely, like I did." Henry says while making a vulgar gesture. "I will never fuck you Bowers. I feel sorry for any girl who would ever want your crusty-ass dick in them and I will personally pay for their therapy." I say matter-of-factly. "Well, both of you sluts did so-" Henry gets cut off when Ben makes a war cry and throws his rock as hard as he can towards Henry and his goons. It hits Henry's head and he stumbles back towards Victor. "The fuck?" He whispers and the other losers start throwing rocks as well. "ROCK WAR!" Richie yells but is quickly cut off by a rock hitting him square in the face. I chuckle and help him up.

Richie's POV:

After five minutes, we're all pretty beaten up with Henry on the floor, covering his face. Belch probably has a concussion and Victor is gone and ran off. Ash held her hand up, about to throw another rock when she stopped. I stop and turn to look, trying to find the reason why she stopped. I couldn't see anything. She grabbed the closest hand to her and backed away from where she was staring and into me. I look at our hands and try not to blush, I also try not to stare but instead look at what she's so afraid of. She sees it and so does I now. She let go of my hand much to my disappointment and ran to the others who had just left. He turns to Henry who is trying to get up. "Go blow your dad you mullet-wearing asshole!" I give Henry both middle fingers and turn and run to catch up with everyone else.

When I get there I grab Ash's hand and pull her back and hug her. I could tell she was shaken by what she saw and honestly, so was I. She hugs me back and then pulls away thanking me. Finally, she's my friend.

We walk to the field. My favourite place, it's so pretty there and it just has one of those things that just never fails to make you feel so happy. "Thanks, guys but you really shouldn't have done that. He'll be after you now." Mike breaks the silence and Eddie replies "Oh, no- Bower? He's always after us." "I guess t-t-that's o-one t-thing we all have i-in common," Bill says. "Yeah, homeschool! Welcome to the losers club!" I shout. "Yes! Welcome, welcome, welcome!" Ash responds in a terrible British accent. "Damn, do I sound that bad?" I ask Stan and her and they both nod. Damn, I need to work on those.

Ashley's POV:

"What was that about?" Stan pries when we get home. "What?" I play dumb because Stan hates it when I do that. "You and Richie. The hug? What was it for?" "I saw the clown walking towards us during the rock fight with Henry and got scared. I grabbed him and he saw it too." "Hm. Ok." Stan was obviously not convinced but decided not to say anymore.


Hello lovely people! I decided to do something different with this chapter so tell me if you like it Anyways as always have a lovely day/ night if you're a night owl like me you get the gist anyway goodbye

Words- 1092

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