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This was in the description, but in case you didn't read it: THESE WERE MOSTLY MADE BY MY SISTER, NOT ME!!!!


My sister has never read any of the Harry Potter books, and has only seen six of the eight movies. I was looking on my Notes app on my phone and found that she had taken my phone and typed up the first three of these stories. I laughed a lot reading through them and thought if she wrote more, they would be funny to post on Wattpad for anyone who loves Harry Potter. The spelling and stuff is bad on purpose because it makes it funnier, so please don't judge on that. Also, keep in mind that these were pretty much all created by an eight year old so don't be too harsh if you're commenting suggestions for what to fix. I hope you guys enjoy!

~IM_A_READER_FEAR_ME and her younger sister :)

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