🐍 The Sussy Guy Reveals His Identity 🐍

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One day Hermione was going for a walk. She saw a guy with a ring behind his back. She walked up to him and said, what are you doing stupid guy?

he looked familiar to her, but she couldn't figure out why. Then she realized he was the suspicious guy from two chapters ago, but also mentioned the last chapter!!!!

Hey, I know you! She said.

well, I hope you do because I know you. He replied.

Who are you going to propose to? Hermione asked

Definitely not you, you're ugly. The guy said.

But you're suspicious guy! Hermione exclaimed. you wanted to marry me when you first met me and completely destroyed my house with an avocado wrecking ball remember?

Ewww no, you're  so ugly I wanted to propose the person who was behind you; it was Professor McGonagall at the time, He told her. 

then he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, will you marry me? 

You just said you didn't want to marry me! Hermione said, and how old are you anyway because I am a minor!

how many times do I have to tell you? I said I'm not proposing to you I'm proposing to the person behind you!

Hermione turned around to find Professor Mcgonagall standing behind her, and then she said wait a second there's only one person who likes Professor McGonagall that I know and that was Professor Snape!

Then the suspicious guy lifted off his mask, and it was Professor Snape!

then Professor McGonagall said, you have very greasy hair Snape I will not marry you. I never liked you anyway. Hermione was right to be mad at you. come on Hermione let's go on our own girl date.

yeah, let's go Hermione agreed.

Professor Snape was not really heartbroken, but he wanted revenge anyway. He went to Harry's house and asked him if Harry wanted to go on a guy date with him. Harry was a little bit weirded out, but he said yes anyways as long as Sevvy paid because he had found out at that point that he was bankrupt.Ron felt very left out, so he went with Neville Longbottom instead, and Luna went with Ginny. 

it turned out that everybody had decided to go to the same movie theater to the same movie and they all had the same seats next to each other so it was basically just some weird reunion and it was kind of funny. the film they saw was the new Percy Jackson TV series because nobody nobody wanted to watch the old movies cause they suck. and they all mostly lived happily ever after.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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