Part 2

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"Babe?" Taylor shouted into the dark house as she slid off her shoes placing them in the little basket next to the door. "Babe, are you home?"

When she got no response, she moved further into the house, flicking on the light as she went. The kitchen was still as she left it, the burnt chicken was still in the pan sitting on the stove and the noodles were still in the pot. Cleaning was the last thing she wanted to do at that moment, but she knew Matty would be pissed if got home and saw she had left everything out.

Taylor let out a shaky sigh as she tied her hair up and slid Travis's coat off her shoulders trying her best not to break down in the middle of the kitchen. Her eyes stung with unshed tears as she tossed out the burnt chicken and began packing the pasta into a container to put in the fridge. It wasn't until she had moved on to washing the pans in the sink that she heard the front door open.

"Babe is that you?" She called out from the kitchen quickly wiping her eyes on her shoulder to try and erase any evidence that she had been crying. "Matty?" She called out yet again, turning around just in time to see Matty walking, well rather limping into the kitchen before collapsing on one of the wooden chairs.

She just about vomited at the sight of the blood smeared across his swollen face and on his clothes. "What happened to you?" She gasped rushing over to his side getting a better look at his face.

"None of your goddamn business." He grumbled, swatting her hand away.

Taylor bit back a response, instead moving to grab an old dish rag from the drawer and wetting it to wash off his face. She tried her best not to aggravate any of his cuts as she wiped the blood away, staining the white cloth. Once she got as much of the blood off as she could she sent him off to the showers while she threw out the rag and finished cleaning up.

After the kitchen was tidied up, she made her way into the bathroom where Matty was showering and pulled out her little first aid kit, placing it on the counter next to the sink. Once she had everything laid out for him, she trudged into their room ripping her clothes off and pulling on some pajamas before collapsing on the bed. She waited until she heard the shower turn off before finally letting herself succumb to the darkness.


Taylor woke up to Matty yelling on the phone, he couldn't even be bothered to leave the bedroom to do so. She got out of bed as quietly as she could and tiptoed her way down the hall to the kitchen. She grabbed a pan out of the cupboards and placed it on the stove, flicking it on before walking to the kitchen to grab some eggs when she realized there wouldn't be enough for both of them. Chewing on the bottom of her lip she snatched the eggs, cracked them into a bowl and mixed before pouring them in the pan. She let the eggs cook for a moment while she started getting the coffee maker ready, dumping the water into the side and putting in a new filter and coffee grounds.

She mindlessly put together her boyfriend's breakfast, setting it out on the table before pouring herself a bowl of random kids cereal they had stashed in the back of the pantry. She didn't bother waiting for Matty as she plopped down on one of the chairs and began eating the bland cereal.

She made it about halfway through her bowl when Matty came storming in. She didn't even have time to react before he grabbed her wrist and started to drag her to their room. She struggled against his grasp which only caused him to tighten his grip making her cry out from the pain.

"Matty what are you doing?" She asked in a panicked tone.

She let out a small scream as he threw her against the door frame, hitting her upper arm against the wood. Her hand flew to her upper arm, clutching it in pain. She could see some skin had come off but not enough to bleed, as well as the beginnings of a really bad bruise. Another bruise was also starting to form on her forearm causing her entire arm to throb painfully.

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