Part 3

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The car stops in front of the estate and Travis climbs out of the car, Taylor in his arms. Everyone's eyes were instantly glued to the pair as the seemingly heartless killer cradled the unconscious blonde so carefully glaring daggers at anyone who made too much sound. Ross trailed behind him still slightly in shock himself from what he witnessed back at the house.

"Prepare the guest room for her, I want her to have some time to adjust before she's moved to mine." Travis ordered one of his maids while sitting down on a couch in his office. "And order new clothes and anything else she might need; We'll send someone to collect her more personal items, I don't want her having to go back to that house." The maid nodded before scurrying out of the room.

They weren't left alone for long before Patrick burst into the room out of breath. "Holy fuck." He breathed out seeing the sleeping Taylor in Travis's lap. "He wasn't lying, you really did take her." He gaped walking closer to the couch.

"I wouldn't say I took her, more like bargained for her." Travis smirked, his hand running through Taylors hair. "Speaking of which I need you to get a contract written up as well as a marriage license."

"On it."

"Send Ross in on your way out."

Patrick nodded his head walking towards the large doors of the office pausing before he opened them. "What all do you plan on doing with her?" He motioned to the blonde.

Travis's eyes didn't leave Taylor as he responded. "All I plan to do is finally treat her the way she deserves."

Patrick gave him a nod of approval before walking out the door. He motioned for Ross to go inside, giving him a pat on the shoulder and a slight nod. Ross made his way into the room, continuing until he was standing in front of Travis. Travis motioned to the seat across from him before returning his arm to Taylors legs. She was curled against his chest, her face resting on his shoulder with Travis's arm supporting her and the other gently rubbing up and down her thigh.

"What's up boss man?" Ross asked casually while plopping down on the sofa. There were no people around, so he saw no reason in having to act professional seeing as Travis is one of his closest friends.

"I need you to send some of your men to collect her things, anything that looks important or of sentimental value the rest can be put into storage until she can go through it."

"Consider it done, what about her car?"

"Bring it here for now, she can decide what she wants to do with it but either way there's no way I'm letting her drive that piece of junk around. We'll take her to the dealer and get her a new one and all that shit." Ross pulled out his phone and began taking note of everything that needed to be done. "I also want her to have a personal bodyguard with her whenever I am not with her, I'm not taking any chances."

Travis and Ross froze in their seats and Taylor began to shift in Travis's lap a small groan coming from her throat. Neither one of them dared to move as Taylor squirmed in his arms before settling back down. Her face was now tucked in the crook of his neck in such a way that he could feel her soft breaths against his skin while her hands came up to clutch the hem on his shirt.

"Shouldn't you put her in a bed or something?" Ross asked cautiously, not wanting to disturb the sleeping girl.

"I'm having a guest room prepared for her, none of the rooms have been used in a while so it should take a while."

"A guest room huh? Would have thought you would want her in your room." Ross leaned back in his seat resting his arms on the back of the couch.

"I figured I'd give her a week to get used to it all before I bring her into my room, you know soften the blow." Travis shrugged, brushing his thumb over Taylor's bruised cheekbone.

"Before I forget I need you to get an appointment with the doc and have her come over here within the week. I wanna check over all the damage that bastard did to her and ensure that she shouldn't have any problems recovering."

The venom in his words made Ross shiver in fear. "Yep, I'll get right on that, anything else?"

"Not at the moment, I'll call for you if there are any other accommodations that need to be made."

Ross gave him a curt nod and headed out the room nearly bumping into one of the maids on his way out.

"Mr. Kelce?" She spoke timidly.


"The guest room has been prepared; the one closest to your room as you requested."

"Good, ensure that everything I told Ross gets done, I expect for us to remain undisturbed until I say otherwise."

"Yes sir."

Travis rose from the chair, still holding Taylor, and made his way to the second floor where the guest room had been prepared. He pushed the door open with his foot before making his way over to the large bed at the end of the room. Gently, he placed Taylor onto the bed rolling her under the covers before stepping back. Taylor squirmed a little getting used to the bed but settled back down again letting out a small sigh as she curled around the pillow.

"Sleepy bird." Travis muttered under his breath. He hesitantly reached out to move a piece of her hair that had fallen across her face. Her hair had fully dried and was now a mess of curls upon her head, something Travis had never seen before. Every time he would see her at the bar her hair would be pin straight or pulled back. He made his mind up in that moment that from then on hair straighteners would be banned from his house.

"You'll be happy here birdie, I'll make sure of it." Travis placed a delicate kiss on her head before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him leaving Taylor asleep on the bed.

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