Part 4

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Taylor blinked her eyes lazily as she slowly began to wake up. Her whole body was stiff and aching, her limbs felt like cement. Her small whine echoed through the room bouncing off the walks as she stretched out her body. Her arm felt heavy as she brought it up to rub her non-bruised eye. Her movement stilled as she remembered what all conspired before she passed out. Taylor shot up in the bed immediately regretting it as her head began to spin, a headache pounding against her skull, her stomach churning. She closed her eyes in an attempt to stop the spinning and ease some of the pain in her head and the nausea. Taking a few deep breaths Taylor slowly opened her eyes again taking in her surroundings. She was sitting on a giant queen-sized bed, a large white comforter draped across her body. The room was huge with ceilings that looked as though they went on forever. There was a large dresser with a mirror hung over it, a tall wardrobe that sat next to the dresser along with a closed door. On the other wall there were two large windows covered by the long red drapes that had a small sliver of sunlight peeking through them painting a long line on the ground and across the bed. A simple wooden desk sat in front of the window; a chair tucked in beneath it.

Before she could do anything the sound of footsteps came from outside of the door. The door flew open causing Taylor to jump as she scrambled back against the headboard. Her fear turned into confusion as she saw Travis in the doorway. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out.

"You're finally awake, I was starting to get worried little bird." He stalked over to the bed not talking his eyes off her.

"Travis? Wha- I don't, I don't understand why-"

"What's wrong birdie?" He asked, stroking the side of her face.

Taylor took a breath, organizing her thoughts before she spoke again. "Where am I?" She asked tentatively.

"My estate." Travis shrugged playing with the ends of her hair.

"Why am I here?"

"Simple, your little boyfriend owed me quite the sum of money which he failed to collect."

"So what I'm like a bargaining chip or something?"

"Oh no sweetheart, his debt has been collected already." He stroked her face, running his thumb over her lips.

"Are you saying I'm the... Where's Matty? I need to speak with him." She spoke frantically.

"I hate to inform you little bird but he's not exactly in a position where he can contact anyone."

"Is he... did you." Her eyes widened in fear of the truth.

"That's not important right now birdie, all that matters is that from now on you're mine."

"But how, why." Taylor shook her not understanding. Her breathing picked up slightly, her head shaking back and forth as she tried to remember what happened. She could feel her heart rate begin to speed up. She couldn't remember anything after passing out, she didn't remember being brought here.

"Hey hey birdie you're alright, take some deep breaths and I'll explain." Travis moved onto the bed laying Taylor on his chest. He coached her through a few breaths while simultaneously running his hand through her hair.

Taylor tensed in his arms not being used to the feeling of being held, his touch felt so foreign yet so comforting. As much as she wanted to relax and trust Travis her body just wouldn't let her. Her panic attacks were known to be frequent, long, and aggressive usually ending with her fainting or barely conscious on the ground struggling for air.

Travis seemed to notice her struggling to gain control of her senses. He slightly strengthened his grip on her, squeezing her tight to help ground her. He didn't loosen his hold until he could tell her breathing had evened back out and her grip on his shirt had loosened. He let them sit in silence for a moment ensuring that she had fully calmed down.

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