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The bar bustled with noise as the sound of people talking, glasses clicking, and people dancing bounced off the walls. But for one man one sound in particular stood out, however. Up on the dinky little stage at the back of the bar was a woman with golden blonde hair and the bluest eyes he had ever seen. She was sat on a little stool while she sang into the mic strumming her beaten-up guitar. She had caught his attention the moment the first note left her mouth and there was only one word that could describe the music she made, entrancing. She was like a siren to a sailor, the way her voice pieced through the chaos of the bar filling his ears with her melody.

The man's grasp tightened around the glass cup which had been filled with whiskey only a few moments before, now only holding a few drops of the golden liquid. He ignored the remarks coming from his associates, his gaze fixated on the woman across the bar. His eyes trailed over her body as he studied every piece of her, before coming back to her lips that had been painted red still singing her mesmerizing tune.

Eventually the song came to an end and a small applause erupted throughout the crowd of people. His eyes remained glued to her figure as she made her way off the stage and back behind the bar. She immediately jumped into work, mixing up some drinks before sliding them across the bar towards some men. The other men at the table watched slightly entertained by their boss's new interest in the blonde.

"Are you gonna go talk with her or are you just gonna keep staring?" One of them asked eventually making the others chuckle. "I mean I can't blame yah, she's got a pretty nice figure, a little skinny but I wouldn't mind a few rounds if you know what I mean." He kept talking not noticing his bosses deathly stare now shooting daggers at him. The boss flicked his hand and two of the men grabbed him, pulling him out of his seat forcing him onto his knees in front of the boss.

The boss shifted in his seat, so he was facing the man in front of him, harshly grabbing his face forcing him to look him in the eyes. "If I ever catch you speaking about a woman as if she were your personal toy, I will personally see that you become the toy of the bears." He growled, forcing the man down, releasing him from his grip.

Taking one last swig of his drink, he walked up to the bar which the singer stood behind taking a seat at one of the bar stools right in front of her. The blondes' eyes immediately snapped up to meet his, allowing him to see the full beauty of them.

"Hi what can I get for you?" She asked cheerfully.

His eyes flickered down to where her name tag was pinned onto her apron 'Taylor'. "Can I get a refill on this please." He lifted up his glass.

"Of course, I'm guessing you already have a tab open then?" She took the glass from him bringing it over the counter.

"Yes it's under Travis Kelce."

Taylor nodded her head pressing a few buttons of the tablet in front of her before grabbing a bottle from off one of the shelves. Travis watched as she uncapped the bottle pouring the copper liquid into the cup before handing it back to him.

"Here you are." She smiled as he took the cup from her hand, his fingers brushing across hers.

"Thank you, you have a very beautiful voice by the way." He smirked watching a light blush settle across her features.

"Thank you for saying that." She smiled brightly at him.

"Your very welcome little bird."

Taylor raised her brow at the name but before she could ask what he meant by it he turned away to join the men at his booth. Taylor just shrugged it off before going back to cleaning up some cups from the bar in front of her.

"Dude." Her head whipped around to face Jack who had snuck up behind her.

"Don't do that! You scared the shit out of me." She gasped, hitting him with her rag.

Jack jumped out of the way of the rag grabbing the end of it. "Do you not realize who you just talked to?" His eyes were wide as he spoke.

Taylor shook her head concerned and not understanding what was wrong.

"That was fucking Travis Kelce!"


"He is the boss of that one mafia family; you know the one that's been on a killing spree these past few weeks!" He whisper shouted sneaking a peek at Travis's table.

"Really?" Taylor turned back around staring directly at Travis. "He doesn't look that dangerous, you sure?" She tilted her head looking him up and down.

Jack just stared at her with a dumbfounded look on his face. "The man is like 6 foot something and is built like a fucking beast and he 'doesn't look that dangerous'?" He asked exasperatedly  while making finger quotes.

Taylor's eyes darted from Jack to Travis. "No." She shrugged her shoulders, turning back to the dishes.

"You have zero self-preservation skills." Jack deadpanned walking away.


Days passed and Travis became a regular at the bar. He always made sure to show up just a few minutes before she sang ensuring he had the best spot to listen to her voice. Despite Jack's warnings Taylor ended up quite enjoying Travis's presence. He was fun to talk to, respectful, and genuinely a nice guy which was quite refreshing after dealing with drunk men of all ages for hours on end. Today however, as she looked out into the small crowd, she was left disappointed as she scanned the crowd for the third time, Travis nowhere in sight. Realistically she shouldn't expect him to take time out of every day to come see her sing, it just wasn't practical, but it still stung a little not seeing the familiar large figure of the man sitting at his usual booth. She couldn't wipe the disappointment off her face as she strummed the final few cords on the guitar.

Placing the guitar back onto its stand Taylor sulkily made her way off the stage grabbing her coat and bag from her locker. Her shift had ended a while ago, and she even ended up starting her songs a few minutes late in hopes Travis would show up, but now she had to go home, disappointed and tired. A chill ran up her spine as she walked out the back door into the cold night. It was nearing one am and her car was parked a few shops down since the bar parking lot had been full when she got to work. clutching her cardigan closer to her shivering body she warily made her way down the street taking note of every person and noise.

She was just about to turn into the parking lot when she felt someone grab her waist. Taylor let out a scream as she thrashed against the man's grasp trying to escape. The man's grip only tightened, and she felt one of his hands attempting to slip into her shirt. As much as she fought against him, she just couldn't get free. The mans hand trailed farther up her shirt as tears began spilling from her eyes. Just before the man managed to pull her shirt from her body a voice rang out through the darkness.

"Get your fucking hands off of her."

Taylors head whipped up immediately recognizing the voice. "Travis."

The man who had previously kept a tight hold on her froze allowing Taylor to slip out of his grasp and run to Travis. Travis immediately wrapped an arm around Taylors trembling form, tucking her into his side facing her away from the man.

"Let this be a lesson to you," Travis reached for the black gun on his waist moving his other hand to Taylors head covering her ear and pressing the other one into his chest. "To never touch a woman without her consent, especially not this one." With that he sent a bullet straight to his skull watching as the man crumpled to the ground.

Taylor jumped at the noise letting out a small yelp. She tried peeking over at the man only for Travis to force her head to look towards him.

"You don't want to see that birdie, trust me."

"You- you killed him. Why did you kill him." She panicked.

"Because little bird, no one touches what mine."

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