Part 1: The Seal in the Bar

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Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death (kill count and maybe a few other things), Jake being a flirt (which is it's own warning)

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death (kill count and maybe a few other things), Jake being a flirt (which is it's own warning)

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It was a miserable day when Jake walked into the Hard Deck. Training had been canceled due to shit weather and no matter how much of a workout he had had earlier, he was still as twitchy as a scared cat. The weather wasn't helping either. It had been raining nearly all day, letting up for maybe 20 minutes at a time before it came pouring down again. Climate change was a serious concept, but right now it was fucking with his plans and his job and Jake very much wanted it to stop. Taking a quick glance around, he saw that there were a few patrons in the bar, mostly older men just sitting and drinking in near silence, the jukebox playing some classic rock song just loud enough to be heard. He had promised to meet Coyote here around 5 and seeing as he was early, Jake went ahead to order a drink. "Hey Penny."

"Hangman," Penny replied with a smile. "Your usual?"

"Nah, not drinking tonight. Too antsy. Just a water and Javy's usual, thanks." The blond glanced around the room as Penny went to grab his drinks and his eyes fell on a woman sitting quietly in the corner of the room, silently watching each and every one in the bar with an almost clinical gaze. His curiosity got the better of him and Jake grabbed his order before making his way over to the corner table. "That seat taken?" He asked with his usual sly grin on his face.

The woman glanced up at him, eyes flicking over him quickly before quirking a brow. "And what if it was?" she replied coolly, a narrow gaze pinning him to the spot. She took a sip of the drink in front of her, eyes never leaving his face.

"Well I'd like to think that I'd be better company than your imaginary friend here," Jake said, trying to regain his footing. The woman was intimidating; sharp eyes that seemed to never miss a thing and face that he recognized as one he made when the weariness hit on occasion.

"Is that painful for you, Flyboy? The thinking?"

Jake was taken aback by her snark. Normally he'd respond, fire an insult of two back, but he kept his mouth shut for once, watching for even just a flicker of emotion on the woman's face. But there wasn't any. She just looked bored. So Jake did something that he would almost never do, he walked away, set his drinks down on a table near the door and waved Javy down when his friend walked in.

A few drinks later and the bar had begun to fill with people. Other Daggers had popped up, joining Jake and Coyote and Jake was relieved to fall back into his cocky pilot facade he used in public. It was only when he went back up to the bar some hours later to grab another round for the group that he saw her again. "Grab another round, Penny?"

"Give me just a minute, Hangman." Penny gave him a nod and a smile before adding ice to a cup for someone else and handing it off.

"Hangman huh?" A voice near him spoke up. A quick turn and there stood the woman from earlier. This time however, she was standing up, and he admired the tone and definition of her arm under the tight black shirt she wore. "Must be military then."

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