Part 2: Goddamn Pilots

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Warnings: swearing (this one is consistent throughout) and I think that's it!

Days after their first meeting, Jake still had the Navy Seal roaming through his mind

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Days after their first meeting, Jake still had the Navy Seal roaming through his mind. What was her name? What did she really think of him? Would she go out with him if he asked? Did anyone else on his team meet her and have any of this information? He was deep in thought, pondering these questions, and yet he hadn't tried to seek her out. Maybe it was fear keeping him from engaging, or maybe it was because she had revealed herself to be far more dangerous than expected and he was both afraid, not that he'd admit it, and turned on by the way she carried herself.

Which brought him to now. "Jake, come on man. Did you hear a word I just said?" Fanboy grumbled, knocking his elbow and jarring the blond from his thoughts.

"Hate to break it to you, Micks, but no," he replied, shaking the last of his daydreaming off to tune into the conversation. "Repeat it?"

Fanboy rolled his eyes, slumping further into the rec room couch before answering. "I said, you hear that Nix and Bob met a Seal on base a few days ago? Apparently she stopped and chatted with them for a bit."

"Says who?" Jake's head snapped over to Phoenix, who just shook her head at him.

"She swore me to secrecy," the woman said with a shrug. "Girl code and the like."

Hangman let out a frustrated groan at her words. "Seriously? Bob, you a part of girl code now too?"

Bob curled in on himself, not liking the sudden attention of the room on him. "I'm staying out of this," he mumbled.

"Ah ah ah. Nope, you don't get to hide information from me."

"Actually he does." From the doorway of the rec room, a feminine voice spoke up. Its owner leaned against the doorframe, clad in the desert camouflage patterned uniform worn by the Seals. "My ears were burning, and well, I wasn't liking what I was hearing." Bear had been standing there for a good five minutes, listening in silently on the conversations held by the pilots. None had noticed her, despite more than half of them facing towards the doorway.

Phoenix and Bob both turned towards the voice, grins widening when they saw it to be Bear. "Hey, I was just about to come find you," Phoenix said, holding up her phone.

"I know. But I was done first. Perk of being a sniper. It's usually just one shot and done if all goes well," Bear replied with a grin, having just glanced around the room at the various emotions on the faces of the pilots sitting before her. "So these are the Daggers then. Good to meet you."

Coyote, who's gaze was flicking between the woman in front of him and his best friend, was the first to speak up. "It's to meet you too. I'd introduce you to the team, but it sounds like you already know more about us than we'd like."

"Got it in one, Coyote. Got it in one," Bear replied with a teasing grin. She stepped into the room, noticing how everyone's gaze snapped to her approaching form.

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