Part 24: (Sun)Kissed

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Warnings: sweet, sweet fluffy fun, sneaky beach handjob, hiding a relationship, teasing

Warnings: sweet, sweet fluffy fun, sneaky beach handjob, hiding a relationship, teasing

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Bear stirred awake at the feeling of gentle kisses being pressed to her shoulder. She groaned, batting her hand back at sensation, trying to rid herself of it in her half asleep state. "Ow!"

The deep sound of a voice next to her ear startled her into sudden wakefulness, twisting in Jake's arms so quickly that she bonked her head against his chin. "What the fuck?" Bear moaned, eyes blinking open to look at the man beside her. She still wasn't 100% awake, trying and failing to cover her eyes against the sunlight streaming in from the crack in the curtains. "Ugh. It's too bright."

"Well, we were a little busy to shut them all the way last night," Jake mused aloud, chuckling as Bear slapped his chest.

"That means most of my neighborhood probably saw your ass last night," she countered, sitting up. The blankets slid down from her shoulders, pooling around her bare middle and Bear felt Jake move before she saw him.

A large hand brushed her hair over a shoulder before he leaned over to press a few kisses across her back. "So?" Jake said, pausing to meet her gaze. "Half the Navy's seen it, what's a few more?"

Bear didn't say anything, chewing on her lip. "Teddy, what's going on?"

She blew out a breath, her hands twisting the sheet tight. "It's stupid."

Jake gave her an incredulous look. "Bear, come on. It's you, it's not going to be stupid."

"I just- I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know that we are home, that we are safe. I know that I love you. But the last time..." she trailed off, her voice quiet. "I should be happy that I'm waking up beside you in my bed, but instead I'm scared that someone will take you from me."

Jake sat up and wrapped her in a tight side hug. "Hey. What did you say to me? 'Something, something, I fought terrorists for you'? No one is taking me anywhere. Okay?"

Bear nodded, giving him a wry smile. "God, I fucking love you."

"Oh don't you dare start with that!" Bear said, her voice pitching in mock horror. "We discussed this. I love you more."

"I don't remember ever agreeing to that, Teddy." The grin on his face was playful and his tone filling with a rich humor that was addicting to listen to. "I think I got the upper hand last night."

An eyebrow rose. "Is that so?"

"Yup." The sound of the 'p' popping made Bear abandon the feigned angry look in favor of biting back a smile.


Jake grinned, flopping back on the bed. He pulled Bear down next to him, wrapping her in his arms. "I'm your dork though."

"Whoever let me make that mistake needs to be fired," she grumbled into his shoulder, trying to hide the smile that threatened to break free at any moment.

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