I Think I'm Full Of Shit

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'I think i've finally had enough, i think i may just think too much. i'm so full of shit.'

Latula sat back on the couch, lifting his red glasses up and propping them in his messy hair. He wasn't so sun shiny, he was in bad mood and that had to do with things not going his way.

He rubbed his eyes then sniffed, but he couldn't smell anything, he forgot he lost his scent, now that there really brought him down, he even touched his nose for a moment.

"damn.. that wasn't hella cool tula, why are ya even putting yourself down because of this lil flaw.. I want back my bliss.." He mumbled to himself then moved his hand away from his nose, folding an arm behind his head afterwards propping his feet up on the table and then taking a hold of his crystal bottle of Smirnoff.

Little did he know that Kankri was listening to him in the corner of the kitchen which was located right beside the living room were the skater was. The mutant couldn't help feeling bad due to knowing what happened when he lost his scent, but he isn't going to recall what happened, it'll be triggered and he doesn't want that so he just kept moving around the baby food he bought.


A: 'Tula baby, this is what happens when i listen to music. XD

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