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Cronus leaned back on his chair carefully, his feet propped up on the table as he flicked the cigarette in his mouth for a moment then took a long rag from it. 

"Mm, boy, what the hell happened to ya' hair?" He asked, arching a brow questionably at the indigo blood. 

Naller had his forehead resting against the table, making fake hurt sobbing noises before lifting his head up and looking at the greaser. "Rosa cut my hair!" He misses his wild mane. Now he has a quite decent hairstyle from nowadays. 

"Pffff- ya' look like fuckin' jake with your hair like that." Cronus snorted, after he blew out the smoke from his mouth. He was amused by the boy, since he just flipped off by him. 

Naller opened his mouth to snapped at the other but closed it when he saw Karkal walk in. she was so casual, she opened the refrigerator picked what she wanted and looked at them with a raised brow. 

"What are you annoying air-wastes, looking at?" She snapped, slamming the door close while holding a gallon of milk. 

"Nothing." Both replied in a snap, continuing to mind their own business afterwards. 

"By the way, Cronus, Eridan said no smoking in the house." The Vantas added, then just poured herself milk, put the gallon back in the refrigerator and joined them on the table. 

The Bard groaned loudly and just pulled the ashtray over to him that was set in the middle of the table and just pressed it on it, to have it go off and waving his hand to attempt to get the smoke away.

 "I'm gonna pound that hipster's ass later." 

"You do that, and I'll pound yours." Replied Naller in a snap, rolling his eyes in a irked matter. 

Karkal ignored the two bickering boys and just continued drinking her glass of milk, wondering to herself what was up with her dancestor earlier, she was acting like herself again though, which was a miracle. 

"Okay, okay. Check it; I will practically own damara's ass in the future so that's a win-win." 

"Cronus.. I would prefer food." 


A: holy bejebus, i wasn't ignoring anyone, I was just trying to find new pictures for covers since I need to change; Male!Latula's, Kankri's, Signless', and Jasper's-

*is worried and anxious af* 

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