Sandy Talks

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Toby: Salty water!

Mari: Isn't it too cold to go swimming? You aren't even properly dressed-

Toby: Toby does not care. Toby is not weak.

Ranboo: An hour ago you were throwing up.

[ She stays back away from the sand and watches as Toby goes straight into the ocean. ]

Mari: [ I would die.. ]

Tommy: Mari come on!

Mari: . . . No.

[ Tommy pauses then Wilbur laughs. ]

Tommy: Whhhyyy??

Mari: I hate sand. I don't want it anywhere on me.

Ranboo: You have a flat right next to the beach!

Wilbur: Yeah what gives??

Mari: . . . Fineeeee

[ She takes long steps then sits next to Tommy holding her legs to her chest. ]

Ranboo: It's not so bad.

Mari: This is hell.

Wilbur: Is there like a super like angst-y story on why you hate sand? 

Mari: No I can listen off reasons to hate it though.

Tommy: Shhhh Tommy's taking a nappy.

Mari: This will bore you to a nap then.

[ Tommy lays down arms across his eyes blocking the sun. ]

Wilbur: Do tell the reasons one should hate sand.

Mari: It feels weird when you accidentally get it in your mouth, it's a hell to try to get off any part of your clothing, hell to get out of your hair, and it gets worse when you are wet from the water-

Ranboo: Ha. Wet.

Mari: I will throw sand at you.

Wilbur: What if I told you, there is a sand Jesus?

Mari: . . . Just how many hours did you sleep last night?

Ranboo: Wilbur no no we don't eat the sand.

Toby: Guys! Birds!

[ They watch as he runs into the flock, the bird scatter to the other side. ]

Wilbur: Toby wait right there!

[ He stays in place as they all watch Wilbur take Tommy's shoe off and chuck it at the birds. ]

Tommy: My shoe!

Mari: Oh God there's gonna be sand in that shoe and when you go get it sand in your sock..

Ranboo: You really hate sand.

Mari: Had no fucking clue.

Wilbur: Ranboo quick!

[ Wilbur quickly scrambles up as Toby gets to Tommy's shoe first. ]

Ranboo: Aw hell yeah.

[ He gets up and joins the game of keep away from Tommy.

Mari happily records sitting in what she hates most. ]

Toby: Mari:


[ She quickly dodges the shoe, landing into the sand.

She just lies there. ]

Tommy: Mari?

Mari: Mmm.

Wilbur: She's becoming one with the sand gods!

[ Wilbur starts to circle here by skipping.

Tommy retrieves his shoe sitting down infront of Mari. ]

Tommy: Mari. Wakey wakey.

[ Tommy pats her head, but she quickly takes his wrist pushing him away. ] 

Ranboo: Ah yes a nice seat.

[ Ranboo sits on her back, he jumps off after hearing a pop though. ]

Ranboo: You good there bud..?

Toby: No she dead. Bury her!

[ Before anyone moves at all she quickly stands up. ]

Toby: She's alive!

Mari: I will drown you.

[ Toby screams running away.

She glares at Tommy and he runs off too.

The Ranboo, but he stays smiling under his mask. ]

Ranboo: I'm way stronger than you.

[ She sighs sitting back down. ]

Mari: . . .

Wilbur: What's on your mind?

Mari: Oh. Uh. I just. Never thought I would be here.

[ He turns his head in question. ]

Mari: Like, here. Y'know? I thought I would never be able to move out of my mom's place.. afford things outside of it all.

Wilbur: Yeah after school it's either work or more school, I don't think anyone like us expects to end up here.

Ranboo: It's almost more freeing. We can do a lot more than we could back home. But it does have it's own kinda of baggaged.

Mari: Tell me about it. Dead lines, work on work.. never knowing if one day you'll just be forgotten. Or ignored.

Wilbur: . . . It can also take a toll on mental and physical health.

Ranboo: Yeah.. just looked at Tommy.

[ The two hold back a laugh. ]

Ranboo: Then again.. I love doing what I'm doing.

Mari: Yeah you never take a break. The only one you've taken is a month long one.

Ranboo: And I was still working haha! I love it too much.

Wilbur: Well Mari I don't think you ever stop right? I mean free lance is hard, extra hard as an artist online.

Mari: Yeah there are really bad rough patches, but I break through them just fine. I like free lance, because you just never know what the other person is gonna request.

Ranboo: If you could change your job without any worries what would the new one be?

Mari: . . . Maybe something with animals? Or teaching..

Ranboo: Taco Bell manager.

Wilbur: I have two paths already, I'm quite fine with them. I don't want to change.

Mari: Yeah I get that.

Toby: Hey let's go to London!

Ranboo: . . . We might have to stay if we don't wanna travel at night..

Wilbur: I'll be down to stay in a hotel.

Tommy: I miss the breakfast.

Toby: Course you do.. Mari wanna join us?

Mari: Oh uh.. [ I don't have any due dates.. ]

Ranboo: You don't have to if you don't want to.

Mari: I just wanna pack clothes.

Wilbur: You live near by right?

Tommy: We all do prickass.

[ They all get up and start walking the board towards where their homes are. ]

- - -

Did not expect to get like deep there.

I'm not even like a YouTuber or free lancer.

I think I hit the mark though on what they feel sometimes.

I hope it wasn't too much of a change! I don't know if something like that will happen again, if it does it wasn't planned.

Well thinking about it most of my writings is short planned anyways.


Words  - A Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now