The Beach

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[ They've all went to bed, she in hers as the four took over the living room.She locked her door. The velvet light lights the room dimly, as she thinks.

There's a soft knock on her door. ]

Wilbur: Mari?

Mari: [ Why even try.. ]

Wilbur: Mari.. I know you're not okay.. let me help. Whatever it is..

Mari: [ Please go away I know you don't want me around you so just stop- ]

Wilbur: Please Mari.. talk to me..

Mari: [ I can't I'm sorry, I can't without falling in love with you- You don't want that I know it nobody does- ]

Wilbur: I can stop the rumors.. I can stop whoever is making you feel this way..

Mari: Then go away..!

[ She covers her mouth as tears fall down her face, she hears foot steps slowly walk away from her door.

She sits up crying to herself. ]

Mari: [ What did I just do..?! ]

- - -

[ She wakes up at 11 a.m. her face stained with tears. She unlocks her door, smelling coffee, sausage, toast, and eggs. She walks into the kitchen seeing Ranboo and Tommy. ]

Ranboo: Go try to wake up Toby and Mari.

[ He nods taking the last two pieces of toast out of the toaster onto a plate, he turns and sees her. ]

Tommy: Found one..

[ Ranboo turns and sees her. ]

Ranboo: Mari? Are you okay?

[ She nods, rubbing her face. Tommy goes to get Toby up. ]

Ranboo: Wilbur already left.

[ She nods as tears fill her eyes again. ]

Ranboo: Did something happen..?

[ She nods crying a bit, they hug her as she whips her tears away. ]

Ranboo: He left before any of us woke up.

Mari: It's because I-I-

Ranboo: Breath, breath.

Mari: He said he could stop what was upsetting me or who was and I said go away and and- I-I didn't want him to it just came out-

Ranboo: It's okay.. if you talk to him-

Mari: Ranboo he probably doesn't want to anymore- with these rumors and- and what I said-

[ They just comfort their friend as Tommy and a tired Toby walk in.

Tommy looks worried. ]

- - -

[ It's been two weeks since then. They've both been silent. She hasn't done anything online or talked much to anyone, even Ranboo.

She's in bed when her phone rings, she picks it up. ]

Mari: Hello?

Ranboo: Mari.

Mari: Yeah?

Ranboo: Get out of bed, put clothes on, and meet me outside.

Mari: W-What?

Ranboo: I'm taking you out for some food, come on.

[ They hang up, leaving her in silence. She quickly fixes herself together, then opens her door.

Words  - A Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now