Sleepy Train

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Mari: I'm taking a shower, go on to the hotel without me.

Wilbur: We can wait, right boys and Ranboo?

Toby: Yeah I'm borrowing Tom's clothes!

Tommy: There's no rush either.

Mari: Okay, meet you at the station in an hour.

Toby: Okay, byeeeee!

[ She hangs up the phone. ]

Mari: [ Wonder if the breakfast is as good as Tommy says.. ]

- - -

Toby: There's this place I wanna go to it's around the hotel but I forget what it's called.

Ranboo: Uh describe the place.

Toby: Big ceilings, statues, paintings, uh some writing..

Ranboo: That's a museum Tubbo..

Toby: Yeah!

Tommy: That's boring.

Wilbur: Oh I know what you're talking about, it's actually quite amusing we should go tomorrow.

Ranboo: I haven't been to a museum in years..

Tommy: School had like two of em. Only went to one cuz it was for a grade and Freddie went.

Wilbur: Sometimes you're just pathetic.

Tommy: Fuck off.

Toby: Who you texting Ranny?

Ranboo: Mari.

Tommy: Already out the shower??

Ranboo: Oh no I just asked if she could bring her camera for pictures.

Toby: Oh yeah she's into that! I got her to do a few for me a while back.

Tommy: Of what?

Toby: Just some scenery. And a seagull that stole my chips.

Ranboo: She could help me on genloss actually..

Wilbur: . . . Does she do commissions for photography too?

Toby: Hell no. She's a home body.

Ranboo: Yeah surprised she agreed to go with us to London.

Toby: Hey do you think since she digitally draws she'll be good at like canvas art??

Ranboo: . . . That's a her question.

Tommy: I'd imagine so cuz like.. most artists start from scrap and branch out to see what fits and our school most definitely had an art class that did mostly painting.

Wilbur: You guys went to school together?

Tommy: Yea but she of course was way older than me and Freddie. We only really talked during the plays in stuff.

Toby: Does she look different from then??

Tommy: Uh.. No not really. Maybe shorter??

[ Ranboo laughs a bit. ]

Ranboo: Is her hair actually that natural dark cherry color?

Toby: No way that's a natural color!

Wilbur: Why would she dye it?

[ Tommy just shrugs. ]

Ranboo: You went to school with her and you don't know?

Tommy: Nope, cry about it.

[ Ranboo's phone rings. He picks it up. ]

- - -

Mari: [ My camera? ]

[ She dries her hair a bit then calls him. ]

Ranboo: You all ready??

Mari: Yeah but why bring my camera?

Ranboo: Tubbo wants to go to a museum, and I thought it would be cool to get some pictures.

Mari: Oh. Sure. It's pretty old though.

Ranboo: That's alright, gives esthetic.

Mari: Alright I'll see you lot at the station.

- - -

[ Her hair down with and red beanie on top.

She has on a loose black jacket and jeans. ]

Toby: Mariiii!

Mari: Toby.

Ranboo: You look tired.

Mari: I am haha.

Wilbur: . . . You might be able to sleep on the train.

Mari: Yeah.

Tommy: Dude this place is empty..

Toby: Yeah it is usually full even at this hour.

Mari: Who cares it's quiet..

[ She yawns. ]

- - -

[ They all get sat on the train, Mari next to Wilbur, Tommy next to also.

Across from them is Ranboo and Toby. ]

Tommy: We've got like a few hours..?

Wilbur: Uh huh.

[ Wilbur tenses up as he feels someone on him, he looks and sees her asleep. ]

Wilbur: [ Today must've drained her.. ]

Ranboo: She already out?

Wilbur: Yeah.

Tommy: I remember now that she was always tired during school.

Toby: When I first met her she was pretty tired yeah.

Ranboo: We should probably be quiet and even sleep too.

Wilbur: Yeah..

[ He looks down at her. ]

- - -

Wilbur: Mari?

Mari: Wha?

Wilbur: We got to the station. It's a bit crowded actually.

Mari: Uh huh..?

Wilbur: [ Jeez She's half asleep.. ]

[ He pauses thinking. ]

Ranboo: I'll get her bag you lead her to the hotel.

Wilbur: Alrighty.

[ Ranboo gets her bag as Wilbur takes her hand. ]

Mari: . . .

[ She slowly wakes up noticing they are at the hotel now. ]

Mari: Wilbur?

Wilbur: Yes?

Mari: . . .

[ She takes her hand back yawning. ]

Mari: Thanks for dragging me here, you should get to your room it's late.

Wilbur: Yeah, Ran got you one already-

Mari: He what?

[ He laughs gives her a card key walking away.

She sighs getting her bag. ]

- - -

Mari: [ I'm drained.. ]

[ She flops on the bed sighing.

She looks at her hand. ]

Mari: [ Why was he holding my hand? ]

- - -

Extra -

Ranboo: Will there be naked people at this museum?

Toby: Oh most definitely.


Words  - A Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now