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Ranboo: . . .

Wilbur: Never mind that, she's probably in here somewhere, give her phone a call.

[ They take out their phone, calling Mari.

They hear vibrations on wood, then see a dim light in a crate. ]

Ranboo: Of course something small and convenient..

[ The two go to the crate, lifting the lid open and seeing her asleep in a ball. ]

Ranboo: [ She looks like she's been crying.. ]

Wilbur: We should wake her up-

Ranboo: Wilbur, join the others.

Wilbur: Why?

Ranboo: . . . I need to talk to her.

Wilbur: Alright.

[ He leaves the two, Ran sighs before shaking her awake.

She jumps awake, looking up at them. ]

Mari: Oh. You've found me haha..

Ranboo: You actually won.

Mari: Oh.

[ They offer a hand, she takes it. ]

Ranboo: You've been crying.

Mari: That noticeable in the dark..

Ranboo: Is it because of Wilbur?

Mari: . . . I don't know what to do..! He probably doesn't want me around now because-

Ranboo: Hey hey hey no one said that, no one said anything like that. Mari when Wilbur gets something said about him like that he brushes it off, he doesn't think differently of the other person nor wants them to go away.

Mari: He shouldn't have those types of rumors around especially with me- and hell I like him! I-I shouldn't-

Ranboo: Mari, Mari your feelings are valid, you shouldn't feel bad about this, okay?

Mari: Is it that obvious that I like him..?

Ranboo: Mari-

Mari: What am I going to do..?

[ He hugs her, she hugs them back. ]

- - -

Wilbur: Tommy.

Tommy: Shit.

[ They are at the station, heading home. Ranboo's staying the night at Mari's. A girls night they say. ]

Wilbur: What exactly did you tell her?

Tommy: It was Toby-!

Toby: Wha??

[ He was eating a roll. ]

Wilbur: How does he know?

Tommy: Fuck uh.. he's my best friend?

[ Wilbur's glare stays on Tommy. ]

Toby: Oh she just got really nervous all blushy in shit.

Tommy: Wilbur-

Wilbur: Is that why she ran off when I appeared?

Toby: Yeah probably because she li-

Tommy: Wilbur you get like this with almost every girl you meet-

Wilbur: Tommy I don't need you to tell me about my feelings.

Tommy: I just don't want you to end up in that position again.

Words  - A Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now