Museum Cancelled

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Ranboo: Can we get coffee first..?

Mari: Christ you look terrible..

Ranboo: Tommy just had to share a room and.. he snores..

Wilbur: Stay in your room next time.

Tommy: Alright alright..!

Mari: They could have coffee at the breakfast..

Toby: It's really crowded down there.

Wilbur: Uh here..! A café, 5 minute walk!

Ranboo: Sure.

[ The group set out onto the streets of London. ]

Mari: This place is kinda huge.

Wilbur: Never been to London?

Mari: No.

Ranboo: How can you be British and never been to the famous British city?

Mari: Uh.. no outside?

[ She holds her camera up taking a few pictures. ]

Mari: Tommy stop photo bombing.

Tommy: Never, I am the limelight!

Toby: I'll make sure there is lime in your line of sight.

[ Tommy yelps in fear. ]

Wilbur: Shush it we're here.

[ Wilbur opens the door for the lot.

They order and then sit down at a booth. ]

Mari: [ Can't believe this guy still works.. have him for like five years.. ]

Wilbur: So how long have you be into photography?

Mari: Oh uh, six years.

Wilbur: Wow that's cool.

Toby: Mari tell them about the guy!

Ranboo: The guy?

Mari: Yeah when I was doing a photoshoot for Toby a guy interrupted our break. He wanted a few photos, for free. I denied saying I schedule my shoots. He got really upset.

Toby: Yeah a random guy had to like take him away from us.

Mari: I really don't like people who think they get certain things for free.

Wilbur: Like Tommy?

[ Tommy gasps. ]

Tommy: How dare you.

Toby: Dare deez nuts, how bout that?

[ Mari almost spits her coffee out laughing.

Ranboo's in his own world trying to wake up as Tommy is trying to pull Toby's hair for the joke. ]

Waitress: Here is the bill-

Mari: I got it here.

[ She quickly gives the girl her card. ]

Wilbur: Quick with it huh?

Ranboo: Quick with what?

Mari: He has fully awaken.

- - -

[ The lot stands outside the museum. ]

Toby: Naked people!

Ranboo: No.

Wilbur: Tommy I swear don't touch anything, don't break anything-

Tommy: I know I know-

Words  - A Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now