A Gift

21 1 0

[ The group is waiting for the train home, it's about 3 o'clock. ]

Mari: [ Do laundry and dust when I get home.. water the plants.. ]

Wilbur: Here.

[ She looks at him, he holds a sausage roll. ]

Wilbur: You hadn't ate yet today, thought you would at the Ramen Shop but..

Mari: Oh. Thanks.

[ She takes it and starts to chew on it as they sit in silence. ]

Mari: Where did the boys and Ran go?

Wilbur: To record some stuff.

Mari: Oh.

[ Silence. ]

Wilbur: Here.

[ She turns and sees a memory chip from a camera. ]

Wilbur: You're smart, processing the pictures won't be hard at all.

[ She pauses, before taking the chip and putting it in a little baggy then her bag. ]

Wilbur: Yeah thought you'd want that-

[ She hugs him tightly stopping him from speaking.

He hugs back. ]

Mari: Thank you..

Wilbur: Don't mention it.

[ She pulls away, wiping her face. ]

Wilbur: [ Is she crying? ]

[ Before he could ask, she turns to him, and eats the sausage roll. ]

Ranboo: What's up dog?

Wilbur: Uh...

Mari: Dog in muds.

Wilbur: What?

Mari: What?

Toby: The trains here hurry up!

- - -

[ On the train they get themselves sorted once more.

Mari looks out the window as she puts her ear buds in.

A bit later someone taps her. ]

Mari: Huh?

[ Wilbur and Ran laugh a bit. ]

Toby: Serious question Mar. Tommy left to used the wash room, would you or would you not eat all of his snacks while he's gone?

Mari: Uh.. only if I was hungry..?

Ranboo: You had candy and ramen isn't that enough?

Toby: Never.

[ The brunette steals Tommy's snacks, Wilbur gets a pack of gram crackers from the pile. ]

Wilbur: Had these before?

[ She shakes her head. ]

Wilbur: Try.

[ He holds one out for her. She takes it and eats it. ]

Wilbur: How is it?

Mari: Bland.. very little cinnamon.

Wilbur: Yeah.

Tommy: Uh?!

Mari: Bye now.

[ She puts her ear buds back in ignoring whatever Tommy and the others are doing. ]

Mari: [ Gotta figure out what I can do for him.. ]

- - -

[ She unlocks her door and then quickly shuts it.

She starts a load of laundry and water the two spider plants she has then she turns on her PC.

She gets the memory chip and inserts it to the side of her PC.

She starts to download the pictures. ]

Mari: [ . . . Thank fuck he picked that up.. ]

[ She sighs and leans back in her chair.

Then there's a discord sound. She opens it. ]

RanbooLive: Heya

Mari.Ring: Ya?

RanbooLive: Wanna join my stream? Just chatting

Mari.Ring: Sure :P

[ Ran starts a call. ]

Ranboo: Here she is chat. They wanted to hear from ya.

Mari: Why??

Ranboo: They got clingy to you after the last couple streams.

[ She laughs a bit. ]

Mari: That's cute.

[ She pulls up his stream muting it and reading the chat. ]

Ranboo: Yea. Mari rate your day so far 1 out of 10.

Mari: Uhmm 5.

Ranboo: Oh damn.

Mari: Yeah. Today started hard. But it got better.

Ranboo: That's good, you did seem pretty down until we got on the train.

Mari: Yeah. Why was I down chat? Some stuff happened.

Ranboo: Yeah, like really uncalled for stuff.

Mari: But it's over so who cares.

Ranboo: Oh Wilbur wants to join.

Mari: Wilbur?

Wilbur: Yeah?

Mari: Hello!

Wilbur: Did you get your chores done?? I saw you doing a little to-do list on the way back.

Mari: Yes I did.

Ranboo: Boring, chores.

Wilbur: Boring, Ranboo.

[ Ranboo fake cries. ]

Mari: You've upsetted the American, Wilbur.

Ranboo: Yeah I'll have to- okay yeah not gonna say that.

[ The two laugh then Ranboo. ]

- - -

[ It's just her and Ranboo now, the stream is over. ]

Mari: Hey Ran, what does Wilbur like?

Ranboo: Uh.. records, cats, anything cute actually, uhhhh tamagachis. Why?

Mari: He recovered the memory chip from the camera.

Ranboo: He did?

Mari: Yeah and now I need figure out something to give him, since he did that for me.

Ranboo: I see. Well knowing Wilbur he might not let you-

Mari: That's why I asked you. If I asked Tommy he would blurt it out on accident.

Ranboo: Right. I can find out more stuff. Do you have an idea though?

Mari: Maybe like a gift basket? But that just seems weird..

Ranboo: He's gonna be part of Tommy's P.O. box stream, maybe make up a little box then send it to the P.O. and have a note saying it's all for Wilbur and not Tommy.

Mari: That's pretty smart. I should do this soon.. do you know his favorite candy?

Ranboo: Here I'll send you a list of odd in ends things he likes alright?

Mari: Yeah, much appreciated. I'll take this as payment for the next video you decide to kidnap me for.

Ranboo: I'll take that.

- - -


Words  - A Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now