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Roshni's POV:

"Thank you so-" my words were cut off when I looked up to see who handed me the quill.

And yet once again, my eyes found a pair of greyish blue eyes. It none other than the draco malfoy.

"much" I muttered the last word silently and took away the quill from his hand.

I moved up and took out my notebook and started writing down the notes which professor slughorn were writing on the board.

He didn't seem to feel awkward like I did and continued his work.

I didn't dare to remove my hair out of my face for I felt awkward. Awkward about the weird stares we gave eachother everytime our eyes met.

Draco's POV:

I was sitting alone in the bench while professor slughorn was teaching us, when I heard the door open loudly.

"I am really sorry sir." The person said as they hurried their way on to my bench as others were full.

"No problem, this is your first day so I will leave you. Make sure it doesn't happen again." I heard professor slughorn say with a smile.

The person sat on the bench and started taking things out of the bag hurriedly when suddenly a quill fell.

I picked up the quill and was giving it to the person for helping when our eyes met.

"Thank you so-" She was saying but was immediately cut off when she saw me.

It was her. The girl who helped me yesterday. I still didn't knew her name. She appeared to somewhat shocked after seeing me as she widened her eyes but soon grabbed the quill from my hand or should I say, snatched it?

She turned to the black board and for the rest ignored the awkward situation. Throughout the class she kept her hair covering the side of her face, as if preventing me from seeing her.

Her hair was so bushy and curly that it occupied most of the space and was touching my elbows. I ignored the rest and started paying my best attention to the black board.

Time skip :—

Roshni's POV:

I hurried out of the potions classroom grabbing my bag and literally putting everything furiously in it.

I shouldn't have encountered such a situation. I have been continuously seeing him for three days, straight. Ugh, this is so dramatic.

As I was walking, I felt some footsteps behind me. Although it was normal for a place like hogwarts to be filled with noises of footsteps but I was alone walking in this corridor. So why?

I became alarmed. I clutched tightly onto my wand. Within a second, I took out my wand and shouted,


And the person flew backwards hitting the wall.

I immediately regretted my decision as I saw who it was.

It was him. Draco. But why was he following me. I ran towards the end of the corridor where he had fallen.

"Why were you following me?" I asked him with a determined look on my face.

"Aren't you gonna apologise for what you did to me?" He groaned in pain.

I kneeled and down and held up my wand onto his neck.

"Have you lost your mind or what?" He moaned in pain.

"Why were you following me, malfoy?" I hissed and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh for god's sake woman, I wasn't following you. I just wanted to give you this." He said as he took out something from his robe pocket.

It was my handkerchief. The handkerchief I gave him yesterday to clean the blood from his nose.

As soon as I realised what I had done, a blush crept onto my cheeks as I pulled my wand away from him and got up.

"Uhh I am sorry." I said in a low and quiet voice.

"Oh yes, you are but look what you did." He snarled as he got up rubbing off the dust from his clothes.

His hand offered to give me my handkerchief.

I stared at it remembering everything. I controlled the nausea which was building up inside me.

"What? What are you looking at? Take it." He snarled again looking at me with such arrogant eyes.

"I uhh- if you want you can keep it." I stammered as I said the words.

He gave me a questioning look.

"Yes you can." I said looking at him with the most obvious expression.

I turned back and started walking away at a fast pace, almost running.

Draco's POV:

I was trying to find a way to talk to her and return her handkerchief when she stormed out of the class.

I got out of the class and followed her.

She must have felt weird as she turned just immediately and shouted,


I flew backwards and hit the wall. I groaned in pain.

I saw her running towards me as if she was concerned.

"Why were you following me?" She asked me.

"Aren't you gonna apologise for what you did to me?" I groaned in pain.

Almost as immediately she kneeled down and kept her wand onto my neck.

"Have you lost your mind or what?" I moaned in pain.

"Why were you following me, malfoy?" She glared at me as if she could kill me any second.

"Oh for god's sake woman, I wasn't following you. I just wanted to give you this." I said as I took out her handkerchief from my robes.

Immediately the look on her face changed. She was feeling regretful I could say. She pulled her wand away from me and got up. As she did, a blush crept onto her cheeks.

"Uhh I am sorry." I heard her say in a low quiet voice.

"Oh yes, you are but look what you did." I snarled at her as I got up and rubbed off the dust from my clothes.

I offered her the handkerchief. For a whole minute she stared at it and it felt as if she was nauseous.

"What? What are you looking at? Take it." I snarled as I was already annoyed at her actions.

"I uhh- if you want you can keep it." She stammered as she said the words.

I was shocked and gave her a questioning look.

"Yes you can." She said giving me the most obvious look.

Before I could reply she turned back and started walking at a high pace.

I felt weird. No no, I wasn't weird. This girl was. I didn't even get to know her name. I mentally face palmed myself but I saw something on the ground.

It was a book. I picked it up and started examining it.

As I was seeing each and every detail my eyes caught a glimpse of a name written on it with golden letters...


Author's Note: I didn't even plan the plot of this story and feels like it is going perfectly, isn't it?

Well still the same, I would hope that you like this chapter.

I like the weird and awkward behaviour of roshni in here.

I don't even know if anyone reads the author's note besides only one reader of mine.

If you have made it this far, then comment and vote!

Thank you!

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