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Roshni's POV:

I laid in my bed reading a book when mansi marched in through the door.

I didn't look up and continued reading my book.

and so the lion fell in love with the lamb.

I read the line and smiled to myself. Muggle books are really good to have, still it's nor understandable why some people dislike those.

My book was snatched away from my hand and I looked up to see mansi.

She was breathing heavily and panting.

"Did something happen?" I asked her unknowingly of the fact about why she had taken away my book.

"You won't believe what happened roshni." She said as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"What happened?" I said as I got up and sat on the bed.

"I heard that Malfoy and Greengrass were fighting." She said looking at me.

"Who is Greengrass and what am I supposed to do with this?" I asked her annoyed.

"Astoria Greengrass. Daphne Greengrass' sister. And for the second question, oh yes it would be a matter of fact to you." She said.

I remained silent and mansi continued with her words.

"Let me say, this Astoria Greengrass is totally obsessed with Malfoy and earlier in the slytherin common room when she saw Malfoy with a book, she snatched it out of his hands and it was the book of a girl, almost like a personal diary. And now she is accusing Malfoy of cheating on her, when they aren't even together." She said explaining everything.

"Still, what am I supposed to do with this crap?" I asked her as I fell back on my bed.

"I am afraid that it might be your book." She said.

"And why is that?" I chuckled.

"The name 'rana' was written on it." She replied.

As soon as she said the words, my eyes widened and I immediately got off from the bed and searched for my bag.

Finally, I found it lying on a chair. I grabbed it searched through it to find my book and it was nowhere to be found.

I looked at mansi and she looked at me. I gulped and shook my head.

"I think I dropped my book earlier, when I met malfoy." I said silently.

That book contained each and everything about me. From my childhood till now. All of the places which I had visited with my family. It was a practical journal maintained by me and now I had lost it to a person whom I didn't even know.

"Calm down roshni, we'll find it." Mansi said putting her hands over my shoulders gesturing me to calm down.

Suddenly, we heard a knock at the window. Turning to the direction, we found an owl with a note.

I opened the window and the owl dropped in a note and flew back as it's work was done.

I opened the note, only to found some words written on it in a scribbled yet clean handwriting.

"Come today at the astronomy tower before dinner."

The note said. No intials, no name, nothing. Who was it?

I turned to look at mansi and she took away the note from my hands and looked at it.

Who was this person?


Author's Note: That's a short chapter. I hope I haven't been too late but this story's got me something, I must say. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed it.

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