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Momo POV

"Mina can we talk?" we just finished class so i decided today i will talk with Mina

"I want to go out with Sana to buy Dahyun a birthday present" Mina make a excuse but Sana interrupt our conversation

"It's okay Mina , Jihyo can go with me" Sana statement make Jihyo stop doing her thing and make a confused face to Sana

"You say she have something.." before Mina finish Sana pinch Jihyo thigh make that latter understand the situation that Sana try to help me

"No i cancel it so i can company Sana and you two can go together" Jihyo bitter smile then Sana rushing take their bag and pull Jihyo together with her and left me with Mina in the classroom

"Mina i just want to say sorry for everything" I sat next to Mina when the classroom already empty

"Nothing to sorry about Momo" Mina just make a emotionless face and not look at me

"Mina i can't stand if you keep give me this silent treatment" i tried to hold Mina's hand which was on the table

"I don't like people lied to me , especially its you Lim Momo" she pushed my hand away from touching her

"Okay i really sorry okay , i just afraid to talk about Yerin with you" i put a hand up as a give up

"I don't want to know anymore" Mina slow down back her voice which is a bit higher just now

"You have to know" i'm scared but I can't stand our situation anymore

"Know what ?" Mina turn look at me make me more trembling to talk

"Why i can't share about Yerin with you" but i gather all the strength i have to answer her

"Why?" Mina raised eyebrows

"Because i like you , and i know you too Mina" I was determined and looked straight into her eyes, she was silent and didn't blink after hearing my statement

"You like me ? yes that's what i thought before , i feel happy and i think my feelings payback but see what happened? i just have my one sided love Momo" but suddenly she back to her sense

"No Mina trust me , i like you and about Yerin.." I try again to held her hand but this time she not pull back

"Stop .. do not say you love her infront of me again Momo" she tried to pull back this moment but i hold tight

"Mina look at me , listen to what i want to say" and touch her chin to turn her face look at me

"Hemm" she just hummed

"I was sure that I lost my feelings for her when I realized that I started to like you" i inhaled and exhaled deeply before say it again

"But ..." Mina try to answer me back

"Please Mina , give me a chance , a chance for me to love somebody again and being loved by someone who is loyal with me and i sure it's you Mina" the world was like there was only the two of us, we locked eyes for a few minutes before I felt soft lips touching mine

"Please Mina , give me a chance , a chance for me to love somebody again and being loved by someone who is loyal with me and i sure it's you Mina" the world was like there was only the two of us, we locked eyes for a few minutes before I felt soft...

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