One more time

60 7 0

Wednesday 6pm @ ONCE CAFE

"So you will move with Jihyo next week?" Mina put a mouthful of spaghetti in her mouth after asked Sana

"Yes , we decided to live together .. I can't tolerate her busy schedule to meet me in a week" Sana sipped her wine

"Understand, that's good for both of you" Mina nodded and continued focus on her food

"How about you and Momo?" now Sana take her turn to ask and play with her fork into a bowl of her salad

"Not planning anything yet , she always fly back and forth here and Japan" Mina calmly answered

"Luckily Mina unnie not that clingy type like Sana unnie" Tzuyu tease Sana and they chuckled

"Nayeon ??? why are you quiet?" but Mina noticed Nayeon just focus on her soup and not join their conversation

"Hmm ? me ? No i have nothing to comment" Nayeon was a bit surprised and stuttered to answer

"Liar , i know you still process about what happened last 3 days" Sana smirk

"It's too heavy for me Sana" but Nayeon not even give them a bitter smile

"I know , just take your time for both of you" Mina just tap on Nayeon and Tzuyu shoulder

"Tzuyu how about you?" Sana now asked about Tzuyu condition

"I can understand Nayeon unnie but i promise with Chaeyoung we will try to be friend back" Tzuyu try to act cool but Chaeyoung always text and call her just like they are be friends before

"At least she knows you , Jeongyeon hmm.." Nayeon now tapping her spoon inside the bowl

"It's okay , you know right at least it easy for you to move into your new life later" Mina try to comfort her

"I think that's the problem now right Nayeon?" Sana knows how does Nayeon feel about Jeongyeon, with the current situation Jeongyeon appears like this so Nayeon has the right to feel confused about her own feelings

"Hmm i don't know" Nayeon just shake her head

"From what you we saw , Jeongyeon also have someone else right?" Mina try to resolve this situation

"Huhh? who ?? why i don't know?" Sana put down her fork and wide eyes

"Before Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung appeared, Momo tell me about you and her saw Jeongyeon with Irene right?" Mina turn to ask Nayeon about the moment they ran into someone look like Jeongyeon at the airport

"Yes , that's truth.. that's what I keep on thinking , meaning the person we saw was really JEONGYEON" Nayeon now leaning back on the chair

"Are you okay Nayeon?" Mina still wants to comfort her friend

"Of course no Mina yaaaaa" Sana side eyes Mina

"I dont know what i feel , am i still can feel jealous?" Nayeon seem confused

"Of course you can paboyaa .. but she not wrong to have someone else, you also now have her replacement Nayeon" Sana say the truth but hurts to accept

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