When We Were Kids (JY)

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D-day 5pm @ Jeongyeon Penthouse

(refer picture on top to imagine JY house)

"Unnie are you sure you can handle load of friends today?" Chaeyoung ask her sister

"Just a few people Chaeyoung so don't worry" Jeongyeon still cleaning her house with Chaeyoung help

"I think add on another around 10 people from our college , if it too much and you cannot handle it just tell me okay?" Chaeyoung still worried

"Don't worry Chae" Jeongyeon just smiled

Ting tong 🔔

"Hey coming" Jeongyeon shout from kitchen and then go open the door

"Waaaa Yoo Jeongyeon , did you sell your kidney to buy this expensive penthouse plus with strategic location?" Momo amazed

"Why not you coming first Momo , saying like your house given by government" Jeongyeon rolled her eyes

"Here Jeongyeon for you and your new house" Mina pass some bouquet to Jeongyeon

"Thanks Mina , as i expected you the sweetest" Jeongyeon smile and hug Mina

"My girlfriend Jeongiee" Momo make a angry cute face

"If she's not" Jeongyeon tease Momo

"Jeongyeon is your memory is back?" Momo asked with a shocked face

"Why why ?" Jeongyeon confused

"You always tease Momo unnie when we were in college, you said if Mina wasn't her gf, you would make Mina as your gf" Chaeyoung explain while take things Momo brings

"Really Jeongyeon?" Mina now tease Momo

"No wonder" Jeongyeon make a gesture remember something

"Yaa Minayaaaa" Momo pout

"Luckily she's lost her memory" Mina whisper to Momo to tease her cute girlfriend

"Na...nayeon??" Jeongyeon stuttered when she saw someone coming

"Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung smile and greet

"Seriously no one greet me?" Sana coming with pout to both of them

"Hey Sana , where Jihyo" Jeongyeon hug that latter and ask

"Arghh don't ask me , don't know don't know" Sana broke the hug and come inside

"Fighting again i guess" Mina shrugged

"Coming guys" Jeongyeon invited them

"Later Jihyo will come with Dahyun" Nayeon answered by passing Jeongyeon without stop or look at her

then all of them helped Jeongyeon to prepare for later small party

"Jeongyeon unnie don't say you forgot to buy the snacks I told you about yesterday" Chaeyoung put both hand on her waist

"I think so Chaeyoung but .. okay wait wait i will go to mall across the street"Jeongyeon get up and take the wallet about to go

"You want me to accompany y...auchhh" Momo wipe her hand about to stop doing her work but received pinch on belly

"No baby i think you still not finished help me cut the fruits" Mina smile while eyes widen hope that Momo understand her silence language

"How about you go with Jeongyeon Sanaaa?..auchh" Momo still clueless

"No i busy cooking with Tzuyu & Chaeyoung" luckily this time Sana alert

"You just pretend to be busy Sana" Momo make a annoying expression

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