Sunset (Camping)

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6 months later

"Make sure don't go to weird place" Mrs Im come out with hands are full of food supplies and give it to Jihyo

"Okay auntiy don't worry" Sana answered, she just arrived at Nayeon's house with Jihyo busy load the car bonnet

they are now gather at Nayeon's family house before go to the camping site they plan to go to together , they will carpool together

"Jeongyeon , don't leave Nayeon in the forest" Yoona hands the container of food that her mother prepared for them

"If she behave well unnie" Jeongyeon wink to Yoona make that latter chuckle

"Mom , see" Nayeon whining to her mom

"She will never leave you honey" Mrs Taeyeon stroking her daughter's head

"Yoona unnie , aunty let's go together" Mina says

"Sorry i don't want to donate my blood to mosquito" Yoona sneered and pretending to hug protect her body

"My knees pain darling" Mrs Taeyeon pout at Mina make that latter go and hug her showing the sympathy

"Where is Chaeyoung Tzuyu?" Jihyo ask Nayeon

"I called Tzuyu , she say give them 5 minutes more" Nayeon said

"Dahyun , how about your...?" Jeongyeon about to ask about Shushua

"Not okay yet and i go for healing , i think i will go single soon" but Dahyun cut her off

"Yaa don't say that pabo" Sana smack slow her head , lately Dahyun and Shua not in the good term

"So 3 cars should be okay right?" Jeongyeon ask them

"Who will drive?" Yoona unnie asked in concern

"Jihyo Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung" Nayeon said while rolling her eyes , she know her sister will tease if they say Nayeon drive  

"Jihyo Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung" Nayeon said while rolling her eyes , she know her sister will tease if they say Nayeon drive  

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Jeong's Chae's Jihyo's

"Why both of you so late?" they were attacked by Sana when they got there

"Sorry , i forgot my phone so we uturn" Chaeyoung make a cute pout which melted Sana's heart and made her pull and pinch Chaeyoung's cheek while Tzuyu go and hug her auntie and Yoona unnie

"Chaeyoung , aunty call you"Tzuyu shouted because Mrs Taeyeon want to meet Chaeyoung then Chae go and hug and get a kiss from Mrs Taeyeon

"I only get hugs and she gets kisses" Tzuyu sulked

"Momo still not coming?" while they were busy greeting , Nayeon slapped Jeongyeon's shoulder to get her attention , then Jeongyeon shrugged

"She join or not?" Dahyun the one who asks , while Jihyo stay silent when it's come to Momo topic

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