Brave of confession

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4am Saturday @ Dobongsan mountain

"Just two of you?" Sana ask the two sisters who is look very cool futch with their sport attire

"Where Dahyun?" now Nayeon ask , she came with Tzuyu and Sana , Tzuyu the one who is driving

"She will be late , maybe with Jihyo" Jeongyeon say , Jihyo called her ask them to go first

"We will climb a bit late today" Chaeyoung say , they plan for hiking this weekend

"It's okay , today is our free day nothing to rushing" Tzuyu say , they decided this group hiking because this is Chaeyoung's idea because Chaeyoung knows Tzuyu like hiking

"There , they are here" Chaeyoung point using her lips

"Sorry we are late" Jihyo with her backpack full of equipment then follow by couple Dahyun and Shua

"It's okay so now just wait for Mina and Momo" Jeongyeon smile to them

"We'll be down before night right? because I didn't bring any supplies" Dahyun ask , she one of the members who is often to do hiking together with Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung follow Tzuyu and Jihyo since students life

"Don't worry, that's our expertise in New York" Chaeyoung take out her sunglasses and put on

"Korea and America are not the same" Nayeon pretending to hit Chaeyoung's head

"Good job" Jeongyeon thumps up when Chaeyoung manages to dodge

"Are there many bugs?" Sana ask them

"Insects?" Nayeon wided eyes , remember about all that monster

"This is forest Sana Nayeon, not a fancy spa for the two of you filled with scents and gentle massages" Jihyo give them a cynical answer with her annoying face then she run because Sana start to chase her want to hit her

"Yuhuuu" Momo wave her hands

"Minaaa they say have many bugs" Nayeon run to Mina who is behind Momo

"And insects" Sana join their group hug

"Seriously?? can we are cancel now?" Momo stop surprise with that info

"Then cancel cruise vacation" Jeongyeon smirk , cruise vacay is Sana Nayeon and Mina request for their next trip

"Aaaaaaa youre so cruel" Sana rolled her eyes to Jeongyeon

"Why you guys late?" Shua ask Momo who is struggle with her backpack

"Guys sorry , but this time not my fault" Momo raised both of her hand up

"I forgot my shoes" Mina give a sweet smile that melts everyone heart

"Okay enough, we have to start now or we will be late for sunrise" Jeongyeon clapped to get attention from them

9 of them stretching before they take the name pass for hiking season this morning , Sana and Nayeon Mina busy with their sunscreen and lipgloss

"Can you guys divide by pair? then make sure do not lose your friend while climbing" then one man come to give them a briefing about this season hiking , then he give them a tag on their wrist

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